Chapter 9

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Vox gently shook you awake, you slowly sat up, realizing you and Vox had fallen asleep on the couch, him holding you in his arms.

"Come on, we gotta go to the hotel, the people are on the way." Vox said

You sat up, rubbing your eyes.

Vox sighed, pulling you into a hug.

"It feels like I can't leave you alone for one second."

"Vox, are we together?" You asked holding him tighter

"Only if you want to be, I'm not gonna force you to do something." He said, getting up, your arms slipped from him. He headed to the bag of clothes you kept in the living room, you hoped you could start putting them in the closet when the room was done.

"Take a day to think about it." Vox said, handing you some clean clothes.

He pushed you into the bathroom, shutting the door behind you. You quickly took a shower then put on some clothes, fixing your hair, you headed out afterward.

You followed Vox into the garage, hopping in the drivers seat.

"Can I drive?" You asked

"No." Vox laughed, lifting you up and putting you in the passengers seat.

He pushed the button, turning on the car on, he started driving to the hotel, tapping his fingers on the wheel and singing when a good song was on

"Oh and before I forget." Vox said, taking his hands off the wheel and turning around to grab something in the back seat.

"Vox the wheel!" You shouted.

"It's fine." He said, holding up a rectangular box and setting it in your lap.

He still didn't put his hands on the wheel, and kept them in his lap, waiting for you to open it.

You gently lifted the lid to see a phone. You gasped and ran your hand over the screen, gently lifting it out the box.

"We can go shopping for a phone case, and a purse for you tomorrow." Vox said, finally putting his hands on the wheel again

"Oh no, Vox I can't accept all these things."

"Yes you can, I want to spoil you until you drown in presents, it's my way to thank you for staying with me" Vox laughed

You pulled up in front of the hotel, and Vox quickly parked the car. He lead you to the front door, and quickly knocked.

Vaggie was the one who answered the door, seeing you, she gave you a quick hug, then let you in.

"Vox is with you, right?" She asked

"Yeah" You waved your hand, gesturing for him to come in.

Alastor appeared out of no where, quickly walking past you and up to Vox.

"What are you doing here?" He snarled in Vox's face

"I'm here with Y/N" Vox pointed to you

"How about we have a 'talk' outside instead Alastor giggled

"I can't, I'm here in peace, I won't fight you." Vox gently pushed Alastor away from him, walking around him and followed you into the living room, leaving Alastor dumbfounded.

"Husk look!" You said, flying into the air.

"You learned to fly?" He said, a little confused.

"Yep." You nodded

"Let me teach you some trick." He said, grabbing your hand with a clawed paw.

"Vox will you be fine alone?" You asked

"Oh course, don't worry about me, go with your friend." He settles himself on the couch

You and Husk ran off, as he went to show you some tricks.

Vox's POV

I smiles at her as she went off with the cat. I will admit, I was a little jealous that he was holding her hand, but I ignored it, turning my attention to the TV.

Alastor walked pass me, growling as he went upstairs, slamming the door to his room. I was quite surprised he decided to stay here, but then again he's full of surprises, like falling for

It may not be obvious to her, or anyone at this hotel, but for some reason, he's very over protective.

I will admit, I have fallen for Y/N as well, but at least I was kind to her, and didn't hold a grudge against her friend.

I decided not to bother myself thinking to much about Alastor, he was just a radio demon, below me, could barley use a phone if he wanted.

I sighed and turned on the TV, watching what ever I wanted.

After a while, I got bored, and decided to explore the hotel, I stayed away from the rooms, and explored the dining room and kitchen.

The kitchen was large, and had a large stainless steel fridge, I opened it and saw an array of food and drinks.

"Help yourself to anything." A little girl said, scaring me half way.

"By the devil himself, you scared me." I snapped

"Sorry! I just love the make new friends." She squealed.

She was a tiny Cyclops demon, and had a color palette of red, pinks, and a splash of yellow.

"My names Niffity, and I assume your Vox."

"Yessss.... How do you know that?" I asked

"Alastor talks about you all the time, he complains how he should take Y/N away from you, and that you don't deserve her."She went on and on

"That's hilarious, this just proves my point more!" I laughed

"Which is what?" Niffity asked

"Nothing." I giggled patting the child's head

She handed me an apple, and I shook my head, knocking on my head.

"Oh, you can't eat, that sucks." She said, putting the apple back.

"I'm going to take a nap." I yawned, walking into the living room.

I made myself comfortable on the couch, laying in my back, I shut my TV down, falling asleep.

Your POV:

You were quite tired, as Husk had shown you some good flying techniques and tricks. You went into the living room, seeing Vox sleeping. You gently crawled on top of him, and he wrapped his arms around you, rubbing your sore wings. You relaxed against him, and he pulled you closer to him.

"I love you." He mumbled

The words surprised you a bit, and you sat there thinking for a moment, before you mumbled back.

"I love you to."

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