Chapter 5

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You were woken up by the sunlight through the window, you quickly crawled out of bed.

"Vox? Vox!" You walked around the house, looking for him.

You didn't get an answer.

After 10 minutes you were getting lonely, so you decided to get dressed and head to the hotel.

You wore a gray hoodie with some gray sweatpants. You sighed and closed your right eye, heading out of the house.

You silently walked to the hotel, head held down, you had this feeling in your gut, you didn't know why, maybe you were scared.

You quickly got into the hotel, shutting the door behind you with a sigh.

"Y/N! At this point you might as well move back in." Charlie came up and hugged you

"Yeah... I don't have a lot of time."

"Y/N!" Alastor shouted

You quickly ran up to him, and he showed you another book, it had a weird pentagram on it.

"I asked Charlie if her father has any books on deals, and she gave me this."

Alastor carefully opened the book, and showed you a section on breaking deals.

"It says there is no way to break a deal with a demon..." Alastor sighed

You started looking over it yourself

"The demon will be forced to condone the deal maker for all eternity until the deal maker or demon dies." You read out loud tapping the page

Alastor clicked his claws together, deep in thought.

"And the only way to kill him is by getting an exterminators weapon." Alastor sighed

"Not that I would kill him." You snapped

"Why not?"


"Do you really want to serve him for the rest of eternity with no say in it what so ever?" Alastor asked

"Isn't that what Nifty and Husk have to do?" You asked, trying to avoid the question

"Well... Yes... But at least Nifty enjoys it, not sure about Husk." Alastor retorted "and at least I allow free will, and don't mark them like they are a pet." Alastor said, pointing to your closed eye.

"What does it even do?" He asked

"I think it's like, a connection to Vox, when he gets angry, my eye hurts. And I think he can control me, he made me tell him where I was yesterday."

"You got caught!" Alastor snapped


"Well you should get going, quickly, don't want to get caught again."

"I think I'm going to stay for a little bit"

"Y/N, I insist, what time did you even get back yesterday?"


"Didn't I tell you he gets back at 3?"

"He left a note saying 4"

"You didn't think he would lie about it!?"

"I just thought you were wrong"

"So you trusted him?" Alastor said, glaring at you

You held your head down, maybe you should listen to Alastor more, he was correct.

"Alright I'll go."

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