Chapter 4

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You woke up to another note on the dresser.

Turned up the heat a little, I'll be back around 4

You quickly got out of bed and got dressed. You walked over to the front door, unlocked it quickly, and fled.

If you knew how to fly you would have, you ran as fast you could back to the Hazbin Hotel.

Before you walked inside, you made sure to close your right eye. You opened the front door, and gently shut it behind you

"Y/N!" Charlie shouted, hugging you tight

"Hey Charlie, where's Alastor?" You asked

"Did you really visit, just for him?"

"What time is it?" You asked


You thought about it, you had to be back before 4.

"Alright, I have time, but I have to leave Before 4" You made sure she knew before, you didn't want to see a overlord of Hell angry

"Y/N! Glad you could make it." Alastor said

"Glad to be here." You responded

Alastor gestured for you to follow him. He led you upstairs to his room, he had book strewn all over the floor, many were open.

"I've been up all night trying to figure out how to break Vox's deal." Alastor said holding up a book


"I got nothing."

You let out a groan.

"But one of them did say you can try to break the spell by destroying the demons is destroying their source of power."

"So his eye?"

"Yep, destroying his screen."

You really didn't want to hurt Vox, even if it means getting rid of his power over you.

"I-I will forget to do it." You quickly made up an excuse

Alastor reached into his dresser and pulled out a marker, quickly writing destroy his screen on your arm, then pulled your sleeve over it

"There, now you should head back, don't want him to get back early." Alastor warned

"I'm going to stay for a little bit, just to hang out with you guys."

"Alright, but be warned, when Vox gets angry, he takes it out hard on anyone." Alastor warned you, as you left

"Y/N! (Favorite show) is on!" Husk said, flying up to you, he quickly lifted you up and flew you to the living room.

"I could have gotten here my self." You laughed

"Yeah, but you can't fly." Husk pointed out

He was correct, you really didn't know how to, you have tried a couple times, but never managed to get off the ground. But you weren't thinking about that now, you sat with Angel and Husk, watching your show.

When it was finished, you clapped, and mistakenly opened your eye, Husk gasped, and you quickly closed it.

"What Husk?" Angel asked

You placed your finger over your mouth, begging him to be quiet.

"Nothing." Husk said rather happily.

"Aww, your happier than usual." Angel said, walking up to his room.

Husk grabbed you by your shoulders and shook you.

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