Chapter 12

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The party was tomorrow, so Vox decided to take you shopping for a dress.

"Vox I'm not so sure about this..." You whispered, looking around the store.

The store was very large, and on one end held nothing but dresses, the other end was suits.

"Ah, Vox my good friend, what brings you here today?" A tall demon came strutting out

He was shorter than Vox, but still stood over you, he wore a brown suit, and was wearing glasses, and had a tape measure around his neck, he looked like a designer. He had long horns, and piercing purple eyes, a tail thumped on the ground as he came over. You spotted small black wings coming out of his back.

"And I see your brought your... " He trailed off

"Girlfriend." Vox said quickly

"Oh! Never expected that." The guy said, Vox rolled his eyes

"I'm trying to find her a ball dress, maybe something sparkly?" Vox trailed off near the end thinking

"I think I might have a rack of dresses for her to check out." The guy showed you to a dress full of racks.

"There's changing rooms in the back." He pointed to a hallway.

"Let me know if you need anything!" They guy yelled to Vox, walking away

Vox sat on a couch in front of you, gesturing for you took try on dresses.

You felt a little uncomfortable, but grabbed a random dress and walked into the changing rooms.

The dress was a little short, and was a light faded shade of pink. You walked out of the room, and Vox looked up, and giggled.

"You've never done this before, have you?" Vox strolled over to the rack if dresses, and handed you another dress.

When you came back out, Vox sighed.
The dress went a little pass your legs, and was a sea foam green color, it didn't really fit you.

"No" Vox sighed, getting up and handing you another dress.

You went to the back room and changed, looking over the new dress.

The dress was black, and had diamond looking gems on the top part, glitter was near the bottom, making it shine in the light. You twirled, letting the dress fall back down.

You walked out, and Vox looked up again, smiling.

"There we go, you look amazing." He pulled you into a hug.

"I'm just not sure... " You trailed off, looking at the price tag.

"10 thousand dollars!" You exclaimed

"You thought the diamonds were fake?" Vox laughed

The guy from earlier strolled back over.

"I see you found something you like." He held out his hand

"Yep" Vox set a large stack of money in his hand.

You and Vox headed back to his house, and he hung up the new dress.

"You didn't have to spend that much." You turned to Vox, sitting on the new large bed.

"But I wanted to." Vox rubbed your cheek.

Suddenly a knock on the door interrupted you two. Vox groaned and walked over to the door. After a while, he came back holding a letter.

"It's for you." He handed it to you

You gently grabbed one of Vox's claws and used it to open the letter.

"Who's it from?" He asked sitting down next to you.

"I don't know." You quickly read the note

I know what you want, what you NEED
I let him know about it, he will come get you in a year


"This sounds like a threat, maybe I need to track down someone" Vox looked over the note wrapping an arm around your waist.

"I'm not sure...we will see in a year." You snuggled up close to him

"Hopefully I'll still have you around." Vox giggled

"Oh trust me, you will, if you don't run off again."

"I said I was sorry, and I made it up to you." He exclaimed

"Yeah" You yawned "where am I going to sleep?" You asked

"On... The... Bed." Vox seemed a little confused by the question

"With you?" You asked

"Is there a problem?" Vox teased, throwing the covers over you, and crawling next to you.

The lights turned off and the only light was from Vox's screen, which soon turned off as well, and it was pitch black.

You felt Vox wrap his arms around you, and soon you fell asleep in his arms.

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