Chapter 10

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A/N: Changed the Cover and Title

You woke up on Vox, his arms wrapped around you, and one was playing with you hair, a blanket was over both of you.

"It's time to wake up, the house would be done by now." Vox giggled

"What's funny?" You asked

"We slept for a whole day." He laughed

"Wait, really!"

Charlie came down stairs, and the strong scent of pancakes hit you. You followed the smell into the kitchen, where Niffty was cooking.

"It smells amazing." You sighed

"Thanks Y/N! I also saw you and Vox last night~" She smirked at you

"You did what!" Charlie squealed, running up to you

"Shh, don't tell anyone." You snapped

"Tell anyone what?" Vaggie walked into the kitchen

"Y/N loves Vox." Niffty started teasing

"Aww, that's so sweet!" Charlie said

"They were cuddling on the couch, I saw, had to throw a blanket over them just to make sure she didn't get cold." Niffty laughed.

Charlie and Niffty started laughing and teasing you. Suddenly, you felt a presence behind you, and Niffty and Charlie stop teasing, both having a nervous look on their face.

"Good morning my dear, how did you sleep." Alastor put a hand in your shoulder

"F-Fine" You muttered as Alastor walked into the kitchen.

"Is Vox still here?" He growled, a small static sound creeping out of him

"Yes..." Charlie mumbled

Alastor kept a cool face, And ran a hand through his hair.

"Y/N! We should get going soon!" Vox shouted

"Can't we stay for pancakes?" You shouted back

"Fine, but I can't eat any." Vox said, walking into the kitchen

Alastor walked up to Vox, Vox sighed.

"Look Alastor, I'm not going to fight you, it's not right, I only came over so Y/N can visit."

"I know, so here." Alastor handed Vox an envelope, then quickly walked out the room.

"I honestly thought he wouldn't do it." Angel Dust hopped down from the ceiling

"How long were you up there?" You asked

"A couple minutes before Alastor showed up."

"What's is it?" You asked Vox as he used a claw to slice open the envelope.

"An invitation to a party in six days."

"Wow, I didn't think he's do it." Vaggie laughed

"Damn, here." Angel handed Vaggie a 50 dollar bill

"See, I always win." Vaggie laughed at Angel

"Can you all please go in the dining room? Breakfast is almost ready." Niffty groaned

Everyone sat down at the large dining table, Alastor sat as far away from Vox as he could. Vox sat next to you, tapping his head in thought.

Niffty quickly passed got the table set up, then handed out everyone's food.

"This is amazing!" Charlie said through a mouthful of pancakes.

"Agreed" You said

Vox was staring at the food, a sad look on his face, you felt a little uncomfortable, he never seemed to care that he couldn't eat, but now he just seemed like he wanted to.

{OLD NEW BOOK ON MY PAGE} Vox x Reader A Rival's LoveWhere stories live. Discover now