Chapter 16

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Vox was tapping his foot impatiently.

"Are you sure you have never seen anyone else that could be related to you?" He asked

You shook your head, still confused yourself.

First of all, you obviously weren't going to confess to attacking Valentino. Second of all, why hadn't your father known about your brother? He knew about you, didn't he?

Your father walked over to you two.

"He said he might look human like you." He pointed to you "Or he could look fully like his mom..."

"What did my mom look like?"

"A gray wolf, she had the most beautiful magenta eyes you could ever see." He sighed thinking of her.

You sighed as well.

"We should figure this out later, right now, we need to relax." Vox sighed

"Your boyfriend's right, you two go rest, the other exterminators will be on the watch for anyone who could remotely look like him."

Vox nodded, gently taking your hand and leading you to his car, you both drove back I silence, you and Vox thinking about every demon you had ever ment.

You collapsed on the couch the moment you got home.

Vox walked over to his secret room, not caring how he opened the door, which resulted in a hammerhead shark running out of the room and to you.

"VARK! Bad boy, get down!" Vox scooped up the pet, dragging him off of you.

"Aww look at how cute he is, why did you hide him."

"I thought he might eat you."

"Like you don't do that already." You laughed, petting his head.

Vox made a face at that remark, but hide it seeing you and Vark were getting along.

You three sat down on the couch, Vark on your guys lap, watching TV.

Vark made an incoherent noise.

"Aww listen, he's so sweet."

"Until he tries to eat you."

You giggled.

Vox gently wrapped an arm around you, marking sure you were comfortable in his arms.

After a couple minutes there was a knock at the door.

"I got it." You opened the door, seeing a exterminatior there.

"Hello." You waved to it

It stepped inside, walking over to the kitchen island and setting down a couple of pictures.

"Can you not talk?" You asked walking beside it

"I don't think they are allowed to, considering you are a higher status than them." Vox said

"I-I'll allow you to talk, there aren't any cameras in here."

"A-Alright, I think I'm allowed to as long as I get permission." He said, sounding a little nervous

"If you do get in trouble tell me, I'll get you out of it."

The exterminator smiled kindly to you, than spread out the pictures.

"Your father told me to show you these, they think these are alterations of what your brother might look like." 

Vox picked up a couple of the pictures looking over them, he sighed.

"I can't recognize any of them."

Vark ran over to the exterminator, jumping on him.

"Vark! Bad shark!" You pulled him off.

"I am so sorry." Vox said, helping the exterminatior up.

"Its've done worst." The exterminatior eyed Vox.

Vox didn't seem to care, and went back to glancing over the pictures.

"I'll be leaving now, but if you need anything, your father is around." The exterminatior bowed to you slightly, than left.

"Good boy Vark." Vox patted the sharks head.

"Vox...did you want him to do that?"

"I-I trained him to attack any exterminatior..."

"Which is why you kept him away from me." You snapped

"Yes! I didn't want him to harm you."

You sighed, but realized he was in the right, as the exterminatiors DO kill demons.

"Its not that big of a deal." You patted Vark as well, as he seemed to be warning up to you.

Vox pulled you into his lap, all three of you looking over the pictures.

After a couple hours Vox sat back, sighed heavily.

"Its none of them, I can't recognize any of them, this is pointless."

You searched through your memories, looking over every single persons face you have ever seen.

"Oh shit-"


"VOX!" you cut him off "Remember that gray fox, a year ago, scratched my ankle on accident?"

Vox sat up quickly, keeping a hand around your wait as he looked through the pictures.

"He's not here."

"That's because he's not a demon..."

"He's part exterminatior, just like you."

You and Vox immediately jumped up, Vox gestured for Vark to head to his room. While the two of you ran to the car.

"He has to still be alive right?" You looked at Vox

"The exterminatiors didn't kill you, so they probably wouldn't have killed him."

"But I look like an exterminator, sort of...he looks."

"Like a demon." Vox mumbled

Vox suddenly slammed on the brakes, stopping the car.

"Abbadon!" Vox shouted out the car door "Get in."

Soon all three of you were in the car, speeding somewhere.

"Why we going so fucking fast?" Abaddon held onto his seatbelt tightly, feeling sick.

"I knew that red demon that attacked him, if we find him than we find that fox.

"But... Aisling was a wolf? How would that make one of her kids a fox?"

"Because you are an exterminator, it works differently, same reason why Y/N has horns and a tail, but only has their mother's colors, gentics gave them only a small sample of each of you."

"He had...purple eyes." You looked back at your father, staring into his eyes.

Hearing that, Vox pressed on the gas a little faster.

Suddenly he pulled into a allyway stepping out of the car, and opening the door for you and Abadoon.

"Monro! Get out here now!" Vox banged on a door.

The large muscular demon opens the door, fearful of the TV demon.

"What is it?"

"What happened to the gray fox a year ago?"

Monro flinched, than looked around, seeing the exterminatior standing there, he started sweating.

"I-I haven't harmed him! I swear, he's...I'll go get him." Monro quickly left, shutting the door.

Vox tapped his foot impatiently, you gently grabbed his hand, which allowed him to relax.

The door opened up, and the fox was standing there, there was dried blood on the side of his face.


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