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The Next Day

As I entered the school, I went straight to class. No one talked to me. No one looked at me. I felt sad and worried that I'll be like this FOREVER...

I sat in class and the teacher came and said: "okay class sit down we have a new student, come in!"

A handsome boy entered the class. Girls started fangirling over him and boys were talking about how "cool" he is, well I was just staring at the window since they are too noisy. 

PLUS, looks aren't everything.

"Hi, I'm mark, I was born in Toronto, but I came to Vancouver when I was younger. Although I'm not Canadian I still hope we all can get along together!!"

Well he's kinda cute...

The teacher told mark to sit next to me since it was the only empty seat. To be honest, I didn't mind it...

It was the last lesson and I didn't want to look weird, so I didn't talk to him. Although I wanted to at least have a friend, but why would anyone want to be friends with someone like me?

Mark: you're Vanessa, right?

Vanessa: yeah... and you're mark?

Mark: yup!

Vanessa: nice to meet you!

I said that with a smile and then left the class heading home.

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