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Vanessa: w-what are you d-doing here?

???: me? Well, I came to see you!

Vanessa: were you the one who sent all of these, bailey?

Bailey: ohhhh I thought you would take longer but I guess your head isn't empty.

Vanessa: but why? i said while tears were forming in my eyes

Bailey: why? You always had everything you had boys crushing on you and teachers liking you. You had talent. While on the other hand I was the girl that was always compared to you.

Vanessa: but you know you are beautiful, and you know you-

Bailey: you know, you know. Vanessa, look at you and look at me. You aren't rich you aren't that smart. You are not that attractive either. I just don't get how everyone thinks that someone like you is better than me. 

Vanessa: there is something you don't get. Money doesn't buy you happiness, looks don't buy you love. Same goes for the other way around. If people will love you just because you have money and you're beautiful they don't love the real YOU. There are lots of people that love you for who you are.

Bailey: I'm sorry but who do you think you are? Are you trying to say that you are better than me?

Vanessa: you know I'm not; we both are different and that's what makes us special. You can't buy people. Make them like you by your kindness not by your looks and money.

Bailey: well, I don't have the time for that

Bailey started taking something out of her pocket

A gun.

Bailey: I can end this easily

She pointed the gun at me

Vanessa: bailey, you can solve anything without guns and knives. Don't do anything you might regret later.

I could hear people walking up the stairs, but I could also hear something else

A gun shot.

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