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???: what are you doing here?

Vanessa: I should be the one asking

???: I'm new here

Vanessa: what? Why didn't you tell me?

???: I was going to tell you tomorrow.... Wait what are you doing here?

Vanessa: I'm the coach here

???: WHAT?

Bailey: oh, hey mark!

Mark: bailey? Ok what is going on?

Vanessa: part times? Don't you remember?

Mark: ohhhhhhh

Vanessa: yeah, ohhhhhhh

Guy1: Vanessa? You look good today!

Vanessa: uh...thanks, Scott...

Scott: you are most welcome!

Vanessa: its weird cause I'm wearing the same clothes I wear every 2 weeks but ok. should we get started?

After 30 min

Everyone was taking a 5 minutes break. Mark was talking to the other guys, it's good to see him talking to others.

Bailey: Vanessa, you have a new massage!

I ran to my bag and took my phone and unlocked it. I read the massage and I felt so scared.

"haven't I told you to stay away from him"

"stay away or you will lose everyone around you one by one"

"lose everyone around you one by one"? what is that suppose to mean?

I looked around me and everyone was laughing and chatting together, it can't be someone from the studio. Or can it be?

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