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I went to my seat while using the crutches. The period was about to start, and everyone was looking at me. I heard some people whispering about me.

Girl 1: she deserves it.

Girl 2: we should be careful too; we don't want to break a leg nor an arm.

Boy 1: I feel bad.

Boy 2: why?

Boy 1: what if they were just rumors. Imagine being in her place.

Girl 3: you might be right or maybe wrong, but we can't be sure yet.

I just sat down after hearing all of what they said wishing I would know what happened.

Mark: are you okay?

Vanessa: why wouldn't I be?

Mark: I mean look at your leg and you look like you're thinking a lot.

Vanessa: I'm fine don't worry.

Mark: you sure?

Vanessa: yup!

I gave him a smile and he smiled back. The teacher continued the lesson and break time started. I didn't want to stand up, so I just drank my banana milk. Yes, I'm obsessed with banana milk.

I was sitting while drinking my banana milk when someone asked me: do you want something Vanessa?

Vanessa: no mark, I'm fine.

Mark: ok, just remember if you want anything just ask me.

We smiled at each other and he left.

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