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I woke up by the sound of my alarm and looked at the time


I went to the bathroom to take a shower and I brushed my teeth. Its Friday already, time flies fast. Now that I think about it; this has been the most dramatic week in my life. But it was somehow the best too.

I really hope that today becomes the best out of all

I entered the school gates and went straight to class. The first thing that I saw was mark writing something in a notebook. I went to my seat and looked at him, he must be so focused. He didn't even look at me.

Vanessa: mark answer...

Vanessa: mark

I taped his shoulder and he looked at me

Mark: oh hey!

Vanessa: ...anyways what are you doing?

Mark: I'm writing down my to do list for today

Vanessa: weird...

Mark: what?

Vanessa: I never saw you writing anything other than schoolwork.

Mark: I'll start taking classes

Vanessa: classes?

Mark: mhm

Vanessa: what? cooking classes?

Mark: no? I don't want to learn how to cook

Vanessa: and why is that Mr. Mark?

Mark: I can let my girlfriend or wife cook for me

Vanessa: is she your maid or what

Mark: ok then, you can cook for me

I mentally face palmed myself. This guy is crazy.

The class started and everything was pretty much normal. After school mark said he must go somewhere so I went to the café and started working

My Friday working schedule is different that the weekends.

It was 3:30 already and I had to run to the dance studio.

When I entered the building, I went to change my clothes. I was informed in the morning that we will have someone new, but I didn't know anything about them.

Someone entered the building and i was shocked...

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