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I went to the rooftop and I saw no one, so I just stood at the center of the rooftop while the door to the rooftop was behind me. Not noticing someone came to my back and pulled my hair. I screamed in pain and I got kicked in my back with something heavy. I think it was a baseball bat, since it made me faint.

I woke up and looked at the time. Oh no.... 2 hours have passed, there are only 2 periods left. I tried standing up, but I can't my back hurts so bad. It felt like someone dropped a huge rock on my back.

After a few tries, I stood up and went to the clinic. After almost 10 minutes I finally made it to the clinic, and I sat on the bed with the nurses help. I think we might become friends if I continue coming here.

The nurse laid me on the bed, and she knew I got beaten up by someone. I look like a homeless person who got into a fight with a drunk person, I looked horrible.

My hair was a mess and I had cuts on all my body, including my face. I wish I could disappear this is so embarrassing.

The nurse: who was it this time?

Vanessa: I don't know...

The nurse treated my cuts and brought my bag from the class. Well, she came back with mark.

The nurse: don't ask me, he kept begging I couldn't say no.

I sighed and looked at him. Why is my life getting harder when he transferred?

Mark: are you okay?

Vanessa: do I look okay?

Mark: oh sorry...

Vanessa: no, I'm sorry. no matter what happens I can't blame you.

Mark took me home since I obviously can't walk properly. We left school early to avoid the students, I didn't want more drama.

We reached to my apartment and mark helped me lay on my bed.

Mark: do you need anything?

Vanessa: no, I'm fine

Mark: ok then, I'll leave bye.

Tears flow down my face. I felt like I want to just jump of a tall building and end my life. Being alone and having no one by my side makes it even worse. If I can just eat something or drink anything that will kill me, I'll have it. If it's going to solve my problems and end them, I'll take it.

I looked around the room and found a glass cup that bailey had got me once. I ran to it although my whole body was hurting, I knew for a second that I can stop the pain with it.

I threw the glass and it brook down to pieces. I took the sharpest piece and I moved it closer to my skin. All I could think of is how all the pain will be washed away.

The piece of glass was getting closer to my skin. At that moment I remembered mark. I didn't know why but I couldn't move the glass closer to my skin. I dropped the glass and started crying so hard. At that moment I felt like something is pushing me to live. For the first time in my whole life, I wanted to live for someone.

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