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Mark: why didn't you go to an orphanage?

I smiled a bit and looked at him

Vanessa: I was scared

Mark: from what?

Vanessa: have you not heard about the orphanage in this town. Anyways its one of the worst orphanages that you can find. It was shut down after people found out that they have been torturing the kids.

I looked at mark and he looked sad. I don't know why but I turned his head to face me.

Vanessa: what's wrong?

Mark: there are some rumors going around school

I just looked at him with curiosity

Vanessa: what rumors?

Mark: that I'm being friends with you because I pity you...


Mark: but they aren't true; I really like you. That's why we're friends.

I smiled at him. it really feels nice to have someone next to you that can listen to you and make you happy.

???: VANESSA!!


???: Vanessa what are you doing here?

Vanessa: WHAT do you think?

Bailey: who's that?

Vanessa: what do YOU think?

Bailey: ohh come on...

Vanessa: he is my friend and we thought it was a good idea to go to the park and talk peacefully

Bailey: sorry...

Vanessa: oh, come on... I'm joking

Bailey started giggling

Bailey: but for real who is he?

Mark: I'm mark

Bailey: oh hi- wait YOUR SEATMATE??????

I mentally facepalmed and gave bailey a forced smile and looked at mark... he was smiling like an idiot.

Vanessa: oh god why do I have to deal with two idiots...

Mark: come on I heard you

Bailey: anyways gtg see you at Friday

Bailey left and mark looked at me

Mark: who is she?

Vanessa: she is one of my students

Mark: students?

Vanessa: work, uhhh never mind

The thought of explaining it gave me a headache. Thank god he didn't continue asking.

After a couple of hours mark took me home. It was honestly one of the best days in my life. I just wish for everyday to be the same, but I know that impossible.

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