431 13 8

Looking at the clock on the wall

I stand, reading it


I started leaving out the door

Walking on the dark streets

Curious of who might they be

Why did they start doing this?

What are their intentions?

But I'm worried

Am I doing the right thing?

Obviously not

DON'T meet up with a stranger

But what if their intentions were bad

And they are trying to hurt someone if I didn't go.

I walked through the dark streets while some people passed by. I checked my phone and looked in front of me. I'm standing in front of that building. Walking through can change a lot of things. I don't know if it's the right choice, but I don't want to regret anything later on.

I entered the building and went to the address I was given. Walking through the building sends shivers down my spine.

The cold air touching my warm cheeks

The loud taping sound of my shoes running through the building.

I walked up the stairs three times

Going through the halls trying to reach the exact place I was told to

I looked at the big room in front of me

I looked at the small figure standing facing the wall

???: hello Vanessa

That voice


There's no way

They turned around and looked at me straight in the eye

???: I wasn't expecting you to come

I couldn't move

I was shock

It can't be... 

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