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It's Monday and I'm walking to my locker. This whole weekend I've been getting those weird text messages, but they can't be serious, right?

Well it got the weirdest at Saturday


We all decided to go to a café after the lesson. The guys thought it would be a good time for mark to get to know the guys.

Scott: so, mark did you know Vanessa before joining us?

Mark: yeah!

Liam: really?

Mark: yeah...?

Why does it sound like a question?

William: you guys dating or what?

William asked me but I couldn't hear him.

Vanessa: I'm sorry what?

William: never mind

He said glaring at mark.

James: what are you then, classmates?

M&V: yeah

Mark and I looked at each other: jinx...jinx again

Vanessa: uhhh man

I tried giving him the scariest look I could give him, but he just smiled at me:(

I looked at the guys and they all started to take their phones out

Vanessa: come on guys we came to hangout not play with our phones

Wow did they just ignored me

I took my phone and a message popped up

"how many times do I have to tell you"

"if you want to live, then stay away from mark"

End of flashback

I'm not gonna ignore my friend for a stupid message. Like, hello? What year are we in, 1962?

Mark: hi

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