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The next day I didn't go to school since I was tired.

I slept for 20 hours today which is surprising. I usually only sleep for 8 hours. It was 12 pm so I decided to take a shower and eat something although I wasn't hungry.

I was board so I decided to check the tv. Like I expected it was boring, so I just closed the tv.

I heard the doorbell, so I went to check who it was. I opened the door and I was greeted by a smiling mark.

Mark: hi

Vanessa: ...hi? What brought you here?

Mark: not happy to see me? Ok, ouch.

Vanessa: no, it's not that.

I looked at mark and saw him smiling.

Mark: I know.

Vanessa: but what brought you here?

Mark: you.

He looked at me with a straight face. OMG don't do this to me mark please I don't want to start blushing.

Vanessa: what?

Mark: you didn't come to school today. Are you okay?

Vanessa: yeah, I slept for a long time, but I wasn't planning on coming anyways.

Mark: so umm....do you live alone?

I looked dawn and smiled a bit, but it was a bitter smile.

Vanessa: my parents left me when I was seven.

Mark: I'm sorry I didn't mean to.

Vanessa: no, it's fine. Ever since I didn't really have friends. I was always alone.

Mark: do you want to talk about it?

Vanessa: it all started when we went to Canada for vacation. They left me and went somewhere, but they never came back. well since I didn't have anyone I was always alone. In the street to be specific. I used to stay next to a shop, one of the workers always gave me food without his boss knowing. When his boss found out he fired him. After six months of being alone in the street with no money or food, the only food I had was leftovers, a woman found me and took me. She raised me and she fed me, she even gave me clothes and sent me to school. She wasn't even rich, but she decided to help me.

When I was eleven, she passed away. she always left me money, so I took the money and started working part times. when I got enough money, I bought an apartment and everything in it and moved out.

Which is this apartment. I'm still paying, but I'll stop after 2 months.

Mark: I'm so sorry

Mark hugged me tightly and said: that must've been hard. If you want to cry then go ahead, I won't tell anyone you don't have to worry.

I started crying so hard and he hugged me until I stopped crying. He must've saw my tears. He gave me a water bottle and told me to drink it. He stayed there for a while and he made sure I would go to school the next day.

I laid on my bed and thought "I hope you stick to your words mark."

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