Ch. 2

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Mark's POV

It took us about an hour or so to arrive at our destination Jack said that we were heading to a base full of vampire slayers. My mind still went back to the idea about vampires and slayers and that these people survived. I looked at Jack waiting for him to talk.

"We've arrived," was all he said, standing up I walked with Jack to the doors and they were opened revealing Bob and Wade.

"What the?! You guys are a part of this too?"

"There are a lot of things you don't know buddy," spoke Wade. I kept quiet as I got out of the van and followed them inside. The building wasn't much, it was tall and red and often times there were people coming out of the building. Which wasn't what I expected.

"Welcome to home base Mark," says Jack. As he approaches the door, I followed Bob and Wade to the door but the minute we did a small camera came out from the top and floated in front of Jack.

"Slayer ID?" Says the machine.

"Slayer 2347," responds Jack.

"Hello, Slayer 2347, thank you for arriving back safely, please enter,"

After the camera left the doors slid open and together we entered the building. Inside was much bigger. All around us there were people throwing knives, or shooting guns. Some were fighting in hand to hand combat. I was surprised that there were this many slayers around here.

"Well," says Jack "This Mark, is home base," Jack moved his arm in a way that revealed all of the sections. "Bob, Wade, go ahead and train, I'll take Mark in a tour,"

"You got it Jack," says Wade as he left with Bob to train, I turned back to Jack still in shock.

"What do you think?"

"It's nice but why the hell was I chosen?!" I exclaimed "There are so many others out there who are like me but you decided to pick me, why!"

"Mark, I already told you, you dreamed about a slayer then when she died in her dying breath she gave you all her powers,"

"Powers? What powers? I'm just an ordinary guy, I do YouTube, I have a dog and a business to run,"

"You aren't an ordinary guy anymore Mark," replies Jack. "Now your a slayer," he continued "Slayers are much stronger than the average human,"

"Well will you tell me the powers?"

"Most things that slayers have in common include prophetic dreams which is the ability to see the future or what has happened, sensing the lives of past slayers, superhuman reflexes, hand to hand combat, superhuman agility, strength, stamina, durability, and regeneration."

"And your saying that I have these abilities,"

"Yes Mark do I need to spell it out for you?!"

"Okay shish," I said in annoyance. "What do I need to do?"

"Well first we have to figure out what your skilled at then we talk to the leader."

"Who's the leader?"

"You'll meet him soon,"

No one's POV

When Mark arrived at home base he did not expect to be told that he was a slayer. He only played video games for crying out loud. Now he was here with Jack and his friends training to become a slayer. He knew he was good at fighting but he wasn't sure how he was going to take that out into the field when it came to fighting vampires or anything else evil. He was pulled into this slayer's life with force. He wanted to stick with what he did not try to learn hand to hand combat or throwing weapons and using guns. Though he had to make sure that he listened to Jack as much as he possibly could.

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