Part 2: Second Chances

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“So, while you were chasing Harry down, something came for you in the mail,” Uma said from behind the counter of the Fish and Chips shop.

“Seriously?” I asked.

“Yeah, I got it delivered to your mom though,” Uma said. “It was from Bore-adon anyway so I figured it was just from your brother updating your mom about the wand.”

“Yeah,” I said.

Suddenly, someone burst through the door.

“Is Chloe in here?” a very tired man asked.

“Yeah,” I said.

“Your mom wants you to get to Maleficent’s tower immediately,” he said.

“Okay,” I said before turning to face Uma. “Looks like my mom wants me.”

“Alright, I’ll release you,” Uma said, smiling. “But make sure to come back as soon as you’re done with your mom.”

“Will do,” I said before exiting the Fish and Chips shop.

I walked to Maleficent’s tower as fast as I could knowing that if I wasn’t on time, my mom would have my head.


“You’re late,” my mom barked as soon as I stepped foot inside the tower.

“Sorry, you didn’t give me a time to get here by,” I said.

My mom simply scoffed me off.

I saw Maleficent roll her eyes before pushing my mom out of the way.

“You have been chosen to go to Auradon,” Maleficent said, trying to sound excited.

“Me?” I asked. “I thought my brother was already there.”

“He is, but he insisted that you go too,” The Evil Queen said.

“But why?” I asked. “Do they need help getting the wand or something?”

“No, Carlos wanted you there so you could get a second chance,” Jafar said.

I looked at the people who raised me better than my own mother did. “Are you all serious?”

“As serious as those worry wrinkles,” The Evil Queen said. “Now relax, Chloe.”

“What does my mom think about this?” I asked, crossing my arms.

“She doesn’t want to lose you to Auradon like she lost Carlos,” Jafar said.

“But if you go, you’ll be able to help steal the Fairy Godmother’s wand,” Maleficent smiled.

I sighed. “But there are dogs there in Auradon,” I said.

“Are you telling me that you’re afraid of dogs?” Maleficent said, her smile disappearing. “The brave Chloe de Vil is scared of dogs? The same one who steals from Hades? The same Chloe de Vil who steals candy from the Oogie Boogie? Come on! You hang out with pirates for Zeus’ sake!”

“You’re right,” I said. “I’ve got this.”

“So you’re going?” my mom asked.

“Yeah,” I said.

“Even when there are dogs running around?” my mom asked.

I nodded. “I’m not afraid of them.”

“Who will polish my shoes? Who will make sure my fur coat is brushed just the way I like it?” my mom asked.

“Get someone else to do it for you,” I said. “I’m a kid, not your slave.”

My mom looked hurt.

“Now, when do I leave?” I asked, wanting to get off this island and cause trouble in Auradon as soon as I could.

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