Part 17: Return of Harry the Jerk

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Part 17: Return of Harry the Jerk

When Dizzy was done with Mal, I was amazed. Not too amazed though, I have always let Dizzy do my hair. But Mal's hair looked amazing.

"Hey!" Mal said, looking at her reflection in a broken mirror. "There I am."

"Voila!" Dizzy said.

"Voila," Mal repeated, taking some money out of her pocket.

"For me?" Dizzy asked, surprised.

"Yeah, you earned it," Mal smiled, watching Dizzy run over to the cash register.

But, that's when Harry walked in, wearing his usual smirk.

"Fork it over, you runt," Harry demanded, totally oblivious to the fact that Mal and I were standing not too far away." Now the rest of it. Hmm. Thank you. Mm-hmm."

"Still running errands for Uma?" Mal asked, making Harry turn around. "Or do you actually get to keep what you steal?"

"Oh, hi Mal," Harry smirked.

"Hi," I said, getting Harry's attention.

"I suggest you give Dizzy her money back before Chloe goes all crazy lady on you," Mal said.

"She wouldn't do that," Harry smiled before looking at me scared. "Right?"

"You never know," I said.

Harry handed Dizzy a majority of the money back. "I have to bring something back to Uma," he explained. "I can't come back empty-handed."

Dizzy sighed.

"I'll pay you back though, okay?" Harry said.

"Really?" Dizzy asked.

"Really," Harry smiled, nodding at Dizzy who wore a giant grin on her face. "Well, I have to head out now. But, fair warning, I slipped up a little bit by telling Uma that you are back on the Isle."

"You didn't," Mal said.

"It slipped out," Harry said. "Be sure to watch your friends, I don't want anything happening to them."

"Alright," Mal sighed. "Thanks for letting me know, Harry."

"Of course," Harry said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to leave."

"Bye, Harry," Mal and I said in unison.

"Bye, Mal. Bye, Chloe," Harry said, sending a wink my way before strolling out of the salon.

"I'm sorry about him," I said, apologizing for Harry's actions.

"It's not like you could help it," Mal said.

"I'm just glad he didn't knock anything over," Dizzy said. "Do you know how much more sweeping that would cause?"

Mal and I laughed.

"What? It's true," Dizzy said.

"Alright, we believe you," I said.

"Hey, we should get going," Mal said.

"Already?" Dizzy asked.

"I'm sorry, Dizzy," Mal said. "But I have to get back to where I'm staying."

"Okay," Dizzy said. "I'll see you later then."

"Not so fast," Mal said, walking over to Dizzy and giving her a hug.

Dizzy hugged Mal back until they released each other and Mal smiled at her. "Chloe and I will be back later."

"Okay, bye," Dizzy said.

"Bye, Dizzy," I smiled.

"Bye, Chloe," Dizzy said as Mal and I walked out of the salon.

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