Part 34: Wait, What Are You Doing Here?!

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It's been a few days since I've been "staying" with Hades and let's just say, I know the reason why he and my mom hooked up. All I've been doing is cleaning and it sucks! I've been cooking, cleaning, and sweeping and now I know how Cinderella felt.

On this fateful day, Hades was sleeping on his main chair as dogs' barks were played on a record player. I was cleaning, as usual, when I heard people enter the room.

"Hey," I heard Mal say. "How big is that dog?"

I smiled as a younger girl replied. "You'll see."

I heard their footsteps come closer before I heard the younger girl speak again.

"Okay, stay quiet. It echoes like crazy in here," she said.

"Come on," Mal said, finally walking into my line of sight.

She and the younger girl kept wordlessly communicating until Mal started making her way over towards Hades' ember.

Just as Mal was about to grab Hades' ember, the younger girl walked over to the record player and took the needle off of the record.

"What are you doing here?" Hades asked, sounding calm.

"I noticed you were low on canned corn," the younger girl said, holding out a can of corn before tossing it to Hades.

"Chloe, how many cans of corn do I have?" Hades asked, turning in my direction and letting Mal and the younger girl know that I was here.

"You have plenty," I replied, sounding annoyed.

"Good," Hades smiled as Mal went for the ember.

Without looking, Hades grabbed Mal's wrist making her gasp. He then turned to face her.

"Hi, dad," Mal said, sounding like she didn't know what else to say.

Dang, he wasn't lying when he said that he hooked up with Maleficent. But I didn't know that Mal was his daughter.

Hades calmly took his shades off and waved at Mal. "Quite a show you put on the other day."

"Right back at you," Mal said.

"It's a shame that someone had to get in the way," Hades said.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't pull me down this trail again. I hear it all the time with my mom."

Hades glared at me. "Don't you dare compare me to your mother."

"Funny, that's exactly what my mom would say if she knew you were my dad," I said, crossing my arms.

Hades continued to glare at me before turning to face a shocked Mal and he smiled. "I was just coming to see you." He stood up from his chair.

"Really?" Mal asked, she too standing up. "I wonder why. Is it because I'm going to be Queen?"

"Ah, now Mal, don't be so bitter like Chloe," Hades said.

"You abandoned me when I was a baby," Mal said.

"No, no. I left your mother," Hades said. "She's not the easiest person to get along with."

"You think?!" Mal said.

"Huh? Do you see? We have something in common already," Hades said. "We both hate your mother."

"No, I don't hate my mother," Mal said. "She may be an evil lunatic but at least she stuck around."

"Oh, boo-hoo! Wake up and smell the stink!" Hades said. "You think you had it rough? I used to be a god! And I had an entire world which bore my name. And now, I have nothing! And you have no idea what that feels like."

"Really?" Mal asked. "Because for sixteen years, I had nothing. And now, I have the whole world. But, unless I get that ember, it's game over."

"Hold, please," Hades said before some music started playing.

After what felt like an eternity, the song/argument was over and I was happy. I've never really liked it when people randomly burst into song. But, that's the Isle for ya.

"Do you wanna make up for being a lousy dad?" Mal asked. "Give me the ember."

"The ember only works for me," Hades said.

"No, it'll work for me. We're blood," Mal said.

"You're only half Hades. The ember won't do everything for you that it does for me," Hades said.

"I'll take my chances," Mal smirked.

"What if we both use it?" I asked, getting everyone's attention.

"What?" Mal asked.

"I just found out that I'm half Hades as well," I said. "And, if I'm correct, two halves equal a whole. So what if we both use it?"

"Well, that might work," Hades said before looking at Mal. "If it gets wet, it's game over."

Mal smirked and took the ember out of Hades' hand.

"That's my girl," Hades smirked.

Mal rolled her eyes. "Come on, Chloe. Let's get out of here."

I smiled and ran out the door, leaving Hades in my dust.

"I guess that's why he's always asking about you," the younger girl said.

"Evie is the only one why knows that he's my dad," Mal said. "And, well, now I guess he's Chloe's dad too. But, as far as I'm concerned, he doesn't even exist."

"Right," I said. "Now, let's get out of here. I reek of Hades."

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