Part 3: Bore- I Mean Auradon

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I had all my stuff packed when the limo appeared in front of Maleficent's Tower. After my final goodbyes, I ran down the stairs and out the door. I calmly walked over to the limo and tossed my bag into the trunk. That's when a familiar red coat caught my eye. Harry casually tossed a bag into the trunk of the limo as well.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Harry asked.

"I was about to ask you the same thing," I said.

"I was invited to Bore- I mean Auradon," Harry said.

"Same here," I said.

"Why would they invite a mutt like you?" Harry asked.

"Why would they invite a nasty, ugly pirate like you?" I asked.

Harry glared at me and scoffed before getting into the limo.

I smirked at with one final glance at Maleficent's tower, I got into the limo and the driver closed the door. Reluctantly, I sat next to Harry and he didn't even notice, thank Zeus. Harry's eyes were locked on all the candy that was in the limo. He grabbed a handful of the candy and shoved it into his mouth. Harry looked like he had just eaten a rainbow. I rolled my eyes at him and he glared at me.

"You're just jealous that I got to the candy first," Harry said with his mouth full of candy.

"You haven't had good candy until you've had Oogie Boogie's candy. That stuff just melts in your mouth and the Boogeyman keeps it to himself," I said.

"And you've had some?" Harry asked.

"Stealing candy from Oogie Boogie is like stealing candy from babies, but ten times more fun," I said.

"Oh, I see," Harry said. "So that means you've stolen candy from Oogie Boogie."

"Duh," I said as I watched the driver get close to the edge of the Isle.

Crap, I knew this was too good to be true! He's going to kill us! I'm going to die in the same vehicle as Harry Hook!

I yelped and closed my eyes as Harry held me close probably thinking the same thing I was. But then there was a shimmering light. I opened my eyes to see that the limo driver hadn't tried to kill us. The limo was smoothly driving over a golden bridge that had appeared out of nowhere. I shoved myself out of Harry's grip and over to the window that separated the limo driver from me and Harry.

"How did you do that?" I asked, needing to know.

"Magic," the limo driver said, sounding sarcastic.

I rolled my eyes. "I thought we were going to die."

"You sure don't have faith in a lot of people," the limo driver said.

"I just don't have faith in someone I literally just met," I said.

The limo driver rolled his eyes. "You want to see some more magic?"

"What else do you have up your sleeve?" I asked.

The limo driver pushed my arms off the window and pressed a button. He gave me a little wave before a dark window covered the once open area.

I leaned back and sat next to Harry, who was once again shoving his face full of candy.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, waiting until we reached Auradon.

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