Part 30: Good Morning, Sunshine!

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When I woke up, I was back in a familiar room. I sat up and looked around realizing that I was in my old room. Getting out of bed, I saw that I was no longer wearing my dress from the Cotillion. Instead, I was wearing a large t-shirt and a pair of leggings. Ignoring everything else, I walked out of the room and looked around, trying to navigate my way through the house.

I had made my way into the main room and heard the gentle hum of the refrigerator. I couldn't see anyone in the room until I saw a figure move slightly.

"Good morning, sunshine!" Jafar smiled.

"How did I get here?" I asked, immediately wanting answers.

"Uma brought you here," Jafar said. "She left you on the door and let your mom find you there."

"Why did she leave me here?" I asked.

"We don't know," the Evil Queen said, walking into the room.

"I'm going to go ask her," I said, quickly spinning back the way I came which made my head hurt.

I held my hand and lightly whimpered.

"You should stay here for now," my mom said. "Nobody else is awake and you need some rest."

"Wait, where's Harry?" I asked.

"Harry Hook?" the Evil Queen asked.

"Yes," I said.

"That good-for-nothing pirate is probably in Auradon learning how to be good," my mom laughed.

I suddenly felt angry. Nobody calls Harry names. Except for me and he always knows I'm joking. "At least he's been here for me," I snapped. "He doesn't just want me so I can do his chores. Harry likes me for me."

"Oh no, he's gotten into her head. Chloe, he doesn't care about you," my mom pouted. "Now, go make us some breakfast."

I glared at my mom before I walked out of the main room and back into my own room. When the door was securely shut behind me, I started tossing things around my room in anger. While I was doing so, I heard something metal hit the floor. I looked to see a pair of scissors.

I immediately grabbed them up and walked into the bathroom. My long white hair was the first thing I saw in the mirror once the door was closed. I admired it for a few more seconds before bringing the rusty scissors up to my hair. Not caring what everyone else would think, I brought the scissors up to the hair above my shoulders and cut it. My hair dropped to the floor but I didn't care as I continued cutting the rest of my hair to the same length.

When I was done, I placed the scissors on the sink before looking in the mirror to see my new haircut. I suddenly became scared of What Harry might think. I brushed it off as I continued to stare at my reflection. I thought about all the monsters on the Isle. They must be eliminated and destroyed! I slammed my fists on the sink and looked away from the mirror. Calling other people monsters and yet, the real monster is staring back at her in the bathroom mirror.

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