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The day of Mal and Ben's wedding came sooner than Chloe expected. She began pacing around the large grass area where the wedding was held, wondering how she could help.

"Chloe, can you help me please?" Chloe heard Evie ask as if she could hear Chloe's thoughts.

"Yeah, I'll be right there," Chloe said, walking over to see Evie, Jay, and Gil grabbing chairs. "What's up?"

"I need you to help with the chairs," Evie said. "The boys said that they'd do it but they've just been talking about adventures they want to go on."

Chloe rolled her eyes. "Gil! Jay!" she said, getting both of the boys' attention. "Some help would be nice."

Gil and Jay nodded before giving apologetic looks towards Chloe and Evie.

Once the boys were helping, things started to move faster until Chloe felt two arms wrap around her waist.

"Can we sneak away for a bit?" Harry whispered into Chloe's ear.

"No, I'm helping," Chloe said.

"Please?" Harry asked, holding Chloe closer.

"Maybe after the wedding, okay?" Chloe said.

"Ugh, fine," Harry said.

"Hey, speaking of weddings," Evie said. "When is your and Harry's wedding going to be?"Harry and Chloe stayed silent.

"Oh come on, you must've thought about it at least once," Evie said, putting some chairs down.

"Nope," Harry said.

"Not even one little thought?" Evie asked.

"There's too much going on right now with Mal and Ben," Chloe said.

"There's always a lot going on between those two," Evie said, rolling her eyes.

"But, it's only been a few months, Evie," Chloe said.

"No, it's been five months," Evie sighed. "And, just because we were planning Mal and Ben's wedding does not mean that Belle and I can't help you too," Evie said.

"We'll let you know when we're ready, okay?" Harry said, ending the discussion.

"Okay," Evie said, grabbing more chairs.

"So, how are things going with you and Doug?" Chloe asked.

Evie dropped the chairs and turned to Chloe with a smile. "We finally said that we loved each other!"

"Seriously?" Chloe asked, earning a nod from Evie. "That's amazing!"

"We said it about a month ago and I am still bursting with excitement!" Evie said.

"Took you two long enough," Harry said, passing some chairs to Jay.

"Hey, leave her be," Chloe said. "It took you longer to confess that you liked me."

"That's because you're too hard-headed," Harry said. "And you hated me at the time."

Chloe rolled her eyes before Belle walked over and got their attention.

"Hey, the wedding is going to start in ten minutes and there are already a ton of people here," Belle said.

"Alright, thanks for the heads up," Chloe smiled, placing the last chair in its spot. "Alright, those are done, now what?"

"Now you go get into your dress," Evie said, grabbing Chloe's arm. "We don't have much time and we have to get you dressed."

Chloe yelped and reached out for Harry who only laughed as Evie tugged Chloe out of his sight.


After the wedding, Chloe had talked to Mal and Evie until the two were pulled away. But, that's when Harry came over.

"Mal and Evie leave you?" he asked.

"Yeah, but it's okay, Doug and Ben wanted them," Chloe said.

"Good, because I want you," Harry whispered into Chloe's ear.

"Harry Hook!" Chloe yelled, playfully pushing him away.

"Come on, who doesn't want a piece of this?" Harry asked.

"A lot of people," Chloe said, rolling her eyes.

"But you're not one of them," Harry smirked.

"You got that right, Hook," Chloe winked before pulling him away from the party.

"What are you doing?" Harry chuckled as Chloe led him to a pond.

"I don't know yet," Chloe said.

"What do you mean you don't-," Harry questioned before Chloe pulled him in for a kiss.

The two pulled apart and Harry smirked.

"Oh Chloe, you know exactly what you are doing," Harry smiled before kissing Chloe again.

And this is where our story ends. A couple of months after Mal and Ben got married, Harry and Chloe got married too and, a year after that, Evie and Doug tied the knot. Carlos and Jane got married after Carlos had officially become a vet, and Jay and Gil were traveling the world seeing everything that they could. Everyone was happy and even the villains were doing great. Although, they're not considered villains anymore. Uma finally got away from her mom's restaurant and now runs her own ship with Sophia as her first mate, Dizzy was finally allowed to cut and style people's hair and, even started designing people's clothes. Sophia and Chloe made up after Chloe got Sophia another locked with Sophia's mom in it. Sophia was a bit reluctant about it at first because the first locket meant a lot to her but after seeing that Chloe was sorry, Sophia forgave her. Everything was finally going right for once and everyone was finally happy.


And done! Thank you for reading this long book and I hope you all liked it. Also, for those who don't understand, Sophia hated Chloe because Chloe lost Sophia's locket which was the last thing she had of her mom. So, when Chloe found the locket again, Sophia still wanted to hate Chloe but after seeing how much Chloe wanted to fix things, Sophia forgave her. Anyway, I love you all so much and, for the final time in this book, peace! ✌

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