Part 33: Hades?!

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A few days later, it was time to start getting around to go to Auradon. I was excited to go, which was weird because last time I had to go to Auradon, I hated it. But, at that time, I hated Harry. This time, I loved him and I even let him know.

I threw my bag into the trunk of the limo before getting inside and sitting next to Harry. When the other four got into the limo, Jay got into the driver's seat. He began driving away from the Isle. Once we exited the barrier, a man with blue hair ran through the crowd and put his hand through the barrier and forced it open.

"It's Hades," I said, looking out the back window.

"Stop the car," Mal said.

Jay stopped the car and we all got out.

"I am a god!" Hades yelled, his hair lighting on fire. "I don't belong here!"

He then started zapping everyone with a blue stone he had in his hand. A blast hit Harry and I started getting upset.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as he leaned against the limo.

"No, it hurts," Harry said, holding his abdomen.

"You'll be alright," I said. "Just get back in the limo and I'll meet you there."

Harry only nodded before getting into the limo.

Mal transformed into her dragon form and started breathing fire at Hades. Hades, on the other hand, formed a beam with the stone. It looked like he was taking Mal's power away from her. I couldn't take it anymore. I ran over to Hades and pushed his arm, making him lose his focus.

Hades growled and grabbed my wrist. I started shaking my arm to try and make him let me go. Instead, Hades tightened his grip and pulled me back through the barrier.

"No!" I yelled, seeing Harry's scared face through the back window of the limo. "Let me go!"

"Not happening, princess," Hades growled. "You stepped in and now you're being punished for it."

"Stop," I said, trying to tug my arm out of his grip.

Hades harshly pulled me through the crowd and away from my friends and the man I loved. Hades continued walking until he reached a door. He opened the door and shoved me inside before the door shut behind us.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"The Underworld," Hades said sarcastically.

"Oh, haha," I said, rolling my eyes. "Seriously though, where are we?"

"My place," Hades said, finally letting my arm go and flopping onto a dirty couch.

"Why?" I asked.

"You ask a lot of questions, Chloe," Hades said.

"Because I need answers," I said. "And how do you know my name?"

"I brought you here because I don't need two flings biting my head off for bringing you home," Hades said.

"Two flings?" I asked. "What do you mean?"

"Maleficent and your mom," Hades said.

"My mom?!" I asked.

"Yeah," Hades said. "Unbelievable, right?"

"Yeah," I said. "When did that fling happen?"

"How old are you?" Hades asked.

"Why do you need to know?" I asked.

"Because that's how many years ago I had the fling," Hades said. "Maybe more, who knows?"

"Wait, so you're telling me that Carlos and I are your kids?" I asked.

"No, just you," Hades said.

"So, you're saying-" I asked.

"That I'm your dad? Yup," Hades said, sounding sarcastic.

"Holy Zeus, you're my dad," I said.

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