Part 7: Maleficent

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“Go away, mother,” Mal said, tightening her grip on the wand.

“You are too funny,” Maleficent said with a fake laugh. “Now, give me the wand!”

Mal tossed the wand to the Fairy Godmother.

Frantically, the Fairy Godmother started speaking, “Bippity boppity-”

“Boo,” Maleficent said, freezing everyone but me, Harry, and Mal’s group of traders.

Maleficent walked over to the king, Fairy Godmother, and Ben, criticizing them as she did so. She then grabbed the wand out of Fairy Godmother's hand.

"Now, let's start by getting rid of this," Maleficent said, waving the wand causing the ring to slip off of Mal's hand, "perfect fit!"

Mal looked hurt.

I sighed, maybe being evil isn't right. Then again…

"Listen, Mal," I said, crossing my arms. "Falling in love is ridiculous and weak."

Harry gave me a questioning look and Maleficent continued from what I was saying.

"And falling in love isn't what you want," Maleficent said.

"You don't know what I want!" Mal snapped.

"She might not know what you want, but she knows what's right for you!" I said, snapping back at Mal.

"Mom," Mal said, turning her attention to Maleficent, "have you ever asked me what I want?! You know that I'm not you."

"It takes time to be like me," Maleficent said. "You'll get there."

"But I want to be myself!" Mal said. "I want to be my own person!"

"But when you're in love, you're not your own person," I said, earning another look from Harry.

I'm really confused about that but I guess I'll ask him about it later. We have a bigger problem to deal with right now.

"Love is not ridiculous or weak! It's amazing," Mal said.

"You know," I heard Harry say. "Mal, I agree with you. I want to be good."

I looked at Harry with disbelief. "What?!"

"I. Want. To. Be. Good," Harry said, talking to me as if I were three before walking away from me and Maleficent. He then stood next to Mal.

What is wrong with him?! I glared at him and he just stared back at me.

"And now I command, wand, come to my hand!" Mal said, sending the wand flying out of Maleficent's hand and into Mal's. "Ha! It worked."

"Give me the wand!" Maleficent said eagerly.

"Hold on, maybe good really is more powerful than evil," Carlos said, eyeing Harry. "Take him for example."

Maleficent rolled her eyes. "Enough! You will all regret this!" she said, a green smoke beginning to surround her.

When the smoke disappeared, Maleficent had turned into a dragon. She started breathing fire and caused people to scream and run in fear.

Mal then decided to take charge of the group. She repeated the same sentence over and over again as her eyes began to glow green.

Maleficent's eyes changed to the same green color and it seemed like the two were having a staring contest. Finally, Maleficent turned into a small lizard and Fairy Godmother became unfrozen.

"What just happened?" Evie asked. "Did you do that?"

"I don't know," Mal said.

Fairy Godmother said some stuff about how brave everyone was, and blah blah blah. Then, Fairy Godmother turned to me.

"You, on the other hand, need some extra help in your goodness class. Maybe I could get someone to help you," Fairy Godmother said.

I rolled my eyes. "Sure, I'm going to take a class about being good and magically change my ways."

"You never know what would happen," Harry said.

"Yeah, you're one to talk," I scoffed. "I mean, I get that you hate me and everything, but that doesn't mean we have to be on different sides."

"What if I don't hate you?" Harry asked.

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