There is light even in the darkness

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Rey walked into the room she had at the Resistance base, to prepare for her training with Leia. It had been five days since the battle between the First Order and the Resistance and it had been quiet.
Somehow she was feeling empty inside, missing something that had never been there. Ben. She had been sure that he was going to come back with her after he killed Snoke. But he didn't. He was too afraid to show the light part that was still inside him, she knew it.
Suddenly everything goes unnaturally quiet around her and she knew what that meant. Rey didn't have to turn around to know that Kylo Ren was standing behind her in a Force connection. The two hadn't connected since the battle and now she was wondering what he wanted.
'How come you are here?' she asked, without turning around. 'You made it clear you don't want to have anything to do with me.'
'I never said that.'
His voice was low as usually but at least it wasn't robotic sign that he wasn't wearing his mask. Rey turned around and looked at him. He was standing in front of her wearing a black sweater and, of course, black pants. His eyes however were red and tired, like he hadn't slept in days. She almost felt sorry for him but she threw away that feeling as fast as she could.
'Why are you doing this, Ben?'
At the sound of her telling his real name he flinched and glanced at her. 'Why are you covering the light that is inside you with darkness, when you know damn well that isn't who you are?'
She was angry, frustrated. She never realized she was feeling that way until he showed up there reminding her of that drop of hope she had when he saved her in front of Snoke.
'It is too late for me, Rey. I am too deep in the darkness that I became it. You wanted to join me. What changed your mind so sudden?'
'I wanted to join Ben, not Kylo Ren! And i will do whatever it takes to make you understand!'
She needed him and she couldn't understand why. Why was she so desperate to prove that he was still good?
'I wish I could be that boy again...' he mumbled. 'But that boy is gone. He is so far behind me that I don't think I can even remember him. We could be together, rule and be stronger than anyone in the whole galaxy!'
'I don't want that! I want you to find your way back to the boy you think that is gone. Because I know you can if you try.'
Someone knocked on the door and Kylo glanced at Rey again. He didn't have that stupid stubbornness in his eyes that he had when he talked about power. He had his brown eyes full of pain and sadness.
'Rey, are you in there?' the person from behind the door spoke and she recognized Poe Dameron, her friend.
'Yes, come on in!'
The door opened and Poe stepped in with a confused look in his face. Of course he couldn't see Ben.
'Who were you talking with?'
Rey glared at the man that was still standing in front of her, thinking about her words that Poe had no idea that was there. With a cold voice she answered:
'No one.'
Then the Force connection broke and Kylo disappeared leaving the girl with a sad feeling inside her heart. Was he actually going to consider her words? Or was she trying for nothing?
'The General was looking for you. She told me you were late so I decided to come by. Is everything alright with you? You seem pretty lost.'
'I am fine. Just a bit tired probably.'
He didn't bite it but left her alone and didn't ask anything else which she appreciated. She was still shaken up and knew exactly how the training will go. She will try to focus yet fail and feel really bad when Leia will ask her what is going on with her.
And Rey had been right. Her training began well and got ruined during the fight training. She moved too slow and ended up with a deep scratch in her arm that kept bleeding.
The girl went back to her mentor not daring to look straight into her eyes.
'This is about Ben, isn't it?' Leia asked her. 'I can recognize the look of a person with a broken heart.'
'It's...nothing. I am going to do better, I promise!'
'I know you will, I don't doubt that. Now, go and bandage that wound before it gets infected.'
Rey listened to the order and did so.

Later that day when the sun was about to go down, Rey grabbed the leather jacket with the Resistance sign on it that Poe gave to her and ran out of her room. Her right arm burned a bit at the sudden move of the bandage on her skin. She ignored the pain and ran to an X-Wing where she jumped on the pilot's seat and flew away from the base.
For a few moments she didn't know what exactly she was doing then her instinct guided her to Luke's island. The girl needed a few moments by herself with her own thoughts.
After she landed on the island and jumped out of the  X-Wing, she climbed on the highest hill and watched the dusk. On the coloured sky appeared a black ship and she knew exactly who was on it. Ben...

Hiiii, I hope you like this, honestly. I am a sucker for Reylo and I hated the way the last movie ended. So here I am trying to change that! Please comment I would love to know what you guys think.

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