Don't go...

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Palpatine hit her with a lightning and Rey felt a terrible pain spread through her body. Someone called her name but she could only hear her own heartbeat for a few seconds.
Then she opened her eyes and stood up, with her lightsaber in her hand. Her hands were trembling for a few seconds and she strained her muscles harder. Rey noticed with the corner of her eye that Ben had a sword held at his neck and watched her with fear even if he was surrounded. In the moment their eyes met she finally realized what was on his mind in the last days. For Palpatine to die, one of them had to sacrifice. In the moment the Emperor was going to die he was going to take another soul with him, draining the body of energy and leaving it lifeless.
Things seemed to move slower as the realization took over her mind. They had just found each other and they already had to split.
A lightning formed in Palpatine's hand and before it could hit her again she blocked it with her saber. Ben yelled a protest but she didn't stop. She couldn't let him die.
Rey focused all her strength on the Emperor and pushed the lightning back. He was dying and even the girl could feel the life being pulled out of her body. But that wasn't the reason she was going to die. A life for a life. A balance in the Force.
Suddenly someone jumped in front of her and pulled her back. She was exhausted and barely kept herself conscious. But she managed to see Ben making the last move and killing Palpatine.
Her voice was low like a whisper. She saw him. He fell on the ground and she used her last drop of energy to go to him.
'Ben. Please don't go.'
Rey took his head in her hands and he smiled for the last time to her. Tears fell from her eyes immediately and a terrible sadness made her breathe harder. He was gone. It all happened so fast that she still hoped it wasn't real. She buried her face in his chest and didn't even try to stop crying. She let the sobs shake her body and suffocate her.

Rey flew back on Endor and everyone was extremely happy. The war was over, the Order was gone and Palpatine didn't make any trouble.
She jumped out of her ship feeling like nothing had color anymore. Her whole word fell apart the moment she had lost Ben. He had made her truly happy since her parents left. And now he was gone too.
Her eyes were red and puffy. People came to her to congratulate her and she would simply smile. But even a smile seemed to consume too much energy.
Someone shouted and she noticed Poe running to her. Right behind him was Finn, joined by Leia. Leia...
'It is over!' Poe shouted with excitement again. Then he looked ta her better and his smile disappeared right away.
'What happened?'
Leia came closer and it made things even harder. The woman knew that her son had visited her but she probably didn't feel him dying because of the coma. She didn't know..
'Where's Ben?' Finn asked and at that moment Leia's spark of hope evaporated from her eyes. She understood.
Another tear fell from Rey's green-brown eyes and she walked in the woman's arms.
'I am so sorry,' she whispered between the sobs.
'I know. It is alright.'

A few days after, Rey went to Leia's house after she invited her. People haven't seen the woman for the last days and Rey knew she needed time to mourn her son. She somehow felt guilty to ho there.
The two were sitting at a table across each other both of them holding cups of tea. Leia showed herself strong yo everyone but to Rey she was honest and let her see how shaken up she was. She had lost her husband, her brother and now her son.
'Why don't you hate me?' Rey asked softly.
'Why would I?'
'Ben is gone because of me. He died so I could live. I am blaming myself.'
'You shouldn't, dear. He knew what he had to do and decided to save the woman he loved. After he killed Snoke, he took control over his destiny and he made his own choices. That made him brave. You made him brave. So, I wouldn't blame you for anything.'
Rey glanced at her and Leia smiled to her with warmth.

Ben's p.o.v
He opened his eyes and felt the hard rock against his back. The light of the sun touched his face and blinded him for a few short moments. He looked around him and saw grass and trees but he had no idea where he was.
The truth was that he knew nothing. No memory, no person, nothing. It was a complete blank.
All he knew was that he was somewhere in the galaxy, alive.

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