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Rey was sitting on a chair next to Ben and in front of Poe and Finn. Now that Leia was unconscious, Poe became the general.
She and Ben told them the story with every detail except from the ones that involved their relationship. The two friends were now looking like they have been hit by a ship. Things were hard to process, Rey knew that, but the time was going fast. And the only way Leia was going to come back to them was if they defeated the Emperor.
'So, let me get this straight,' Finn spoke. 'The Emperor Palpatine is alive again and you are his granddaughter.'
She nodded.
The girl didn't have to look to her right to know that Ben was just physically with them. His mind was somewhere else, it was obvious. Rey couldn't forget the look on his face when he saw his mother. It broke him.
'Well then, you guys do whatever you have to do,' Poe said. 'If you need anything you know where to find us. I will deal with the Order and destroy it. You go save the world.'
Rey glanced to her friend and felt grateful. She smiled to him and he answered also with a smile. They realized they can trust Ben from the moment Maz talked to him, an hour after they landed. If Maz trusted him then anyone could trust him, every single person from the Resistance knew that.
They all stood up and the boys left her and Ben alone in the room. She looked at him and walked in front of him.
His eyes softened when they saw her and she smiled comforting.
'It is going to be okay,' she spoke and placed a hand on his cheek.
He nodded. Something was on his mind, something different from what she knew.
Rey raised herself on her tiptoes and brought his face closer to hers before kissing him. He relaxed and gently pulled her closer to him.
They split up but stood with their foreheads against each other for a little longer. They have been through so many things and planned never to leave each other again.

Ben's p.o.v
Ben visited Leia once more before leaving. He watched his mother and felt pressure on his lungs. He was going to save her and keep Rey safe at the same time. And for that he had to make a sacrifice.
'I know what I have to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it...'
He murmured knowing that his mother could hear him somehow.
Ben left the room and walked to the place he was going to meet with Rey. She was talking to Poe and he could sense her tension. When Ben approached them, the General nodded at him with respect then left. Rey looked at him encouragingly as she handed him a lightsaber.
'It was your mother's,' she said as he took it in his hands. It fitted his right hand perfectly like it was meant to be there all along.

Rey's p.o.v
The two landed on Exegol and as soon as they jumped out of their ship, the coldness took over their bodies. They locked eyes for a few moments before running inside together. Her heart was beating faster not from the effort but from the emotions flowing through her veins.
She could feel Palpatine's presence putting pressure on her lungs. There was too much darkness around. Ben slipped his fingers through hers and she squeezed his hand. Things were going to get bad but at least they were together.
Palpatine's voice heard everywhere around sending chills on Rey's skin.
'You dare to come together with the thought of killing me?'
He laughed. Knights gathered around there coming from nowhere and rose their swords.
'My granddaughter. I think you should reconsider your plan. Come where you belong and rule the darkness. Your parents were weak because of love. Don't make the same mistake!'
She glanced to Ben an realized that love made her stronger. It made her feel the kind of energy she thought she could use to do absolutely anything.
'I think it is a but too late for that...'
And like at a sign the two charged in the battle with the knights like they were one with the power of two.
But the Emperor was sucking the energy out of them, using it to get stronger so the two fought an impossible fight.
The tip of a saber cut through the skin from her gut and she shouted in rage and pain. It was getting harder and harder by each move.
She turned around and watched Ben moving slower and harder from the exhaustion. His left arm was bleeding badly and his skin was covered by scratches. She looked at Palpatine who simply smiled.
'You can't win, dear. Give up.'
'If we won't win, then you won't either.'

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