Finding out the truth

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Rey left the room followed by Ben who came with her to keep her safe. She was moving quickly listening to his whispers which told her where to go. She had to get to the Falcon at the same time as the boys did.
Then she noticed the ship and she turned around to glance at Ben. He smiled and said: 'Go. They need you more than I do.'
Rey thanked him and continued running on the stairs jumping three at one time. Ben still followed her to make sure that no stormtrooper attacked her. Until Hux approached them at the end of the stairs and even the girl stopped.
'Why are you letting her go?' he asked Ben with anger. The boy had his lie prepared.
'We don't need her anymore. You shouldn't doubt my decisions.'
His voice was harsh using a tone that he would have never used with Rey. The general smiled at them and made chills go over her skin. Something was about to get wrong.
'You know we need her, but you let her go. You haven't told her.'
Ben became paler and his eyes betrayed the shock and the fear he was feeling at that moment.
'How do you-'
'Tell me what?' Rey interrupted him and glared at Hux for an answer. He smiled viciously as he looked from her to the boy next to her.
'The truth. About who you really are.'
Blood froze in her veins as she looked at Ben. It was true, he knew the truth but didn't tell her and he was avoiding her eyes. She felt like she couldn't breath for a few seconds as the anger took over her body and mind.
'Go on, Supreme Leader. Tell her!'
He looked up from the ground at those words and she made a step back. He was hurt. He didn't want to tell her.
'You're-' he began and took a deep breath.
'You're a Palpatine.'
Everything seemed to stop around her including her heart. It couldn't have been real even if she was aware that it was. And he didn't tell her for how long he knew. She made some steps back again as she watched the boy she fell in love with and trusted trying to apologise to her through a glare.
'No,' she whispered mostly to herself. She hoped that wasn't real and it was all a lie.
'You are his granddaughter, Rey.'
'No!' she shouted. She wanted to yell at him and ask him how could he keep something like that from her. But did nothing instead. Just dashed to the Millenium Falcon and jumped into it at the last moment.

They landed on Endor and related to Leia about what happened except from the part about her being a Palpatine. She couldn't tell others about it when she couldn't even believe it herself.
Rey wasn't feeling good at all. She had to hide all her feelings so others wouldn't talk to her and she got tired of it. The girl took a X-Wing ship and flew away from the planet not knowing exactly where to go. She just wanted to be alone for a few moments and try to understand everything that was going on.
Alone. Her mind took her directly to Jakku and that's exactly where she flew.
Her feet hit the sand and she inhaled the warm air. That was the place where she grew up, feeling lonely and not having a family. Now she suddenly had answers and an evil grandfather. Her father had been the son of the Emperor Palpatine.
Somehow, she wanted to go back to being alone and not knowing anything about her parents. She discovered a new family, Poe, Finn, Leia and she found Ben. She felt happier with them than she felt in her entire life.
Rey sat on the ground with her back against a fallen piece of metal. She closed her eyes and let the tears fall on her cheeks. She was mad about her family and her actual situation. She was mad that Ben didn't tell her the truth earlier. She was mad that at that moment she felt lonelier than ever. Her friends couldn't understand and didn't want to freak them out for that.
Suddenly a warm, familiar feeling spread in her chest. Ben was close to her somewhere and not in a Force bond. Then she heard his steps on the sand and noticed him with the corner of her eye, sitting next to her. They watched the sundown for a few moments in silence.
'I don't have any excuse,' he spoke with a low voice. 'I am sorry, Rey.'
He glanced at her but she didn't look back. One last tear fell on her wet cheek and left her eyes red and puffy.
'Why didn't you tell me?'
'I was somehow hoping that something will show me that it isn't real. I was waiting for a sign to tell me what I wanted to know because I couldn't believe it. And I know that wasn't my choice to make...'
Rey finally looked at him.
'I mean, you are full of light, nice and extremely beautiful,' he added and made her smile. 'You are nothing like the Emperor. And your parents gave you away so you could be safe. They died so you couldn't get to him. They were brave people and you should be proud of being their daughter.'
'But I barely knew them,' she said and a sob made her voice shake. Ben put his arms around her and she placed her head on his chest.
'It's too much,' the girl whispered with her eyes full of tears.
'I know. But it's going to be okay.'
He gently kissed the top of her head.

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