"He kissed her"

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'No...' Rey muttered as she slowly and carefully got up from the bed. A bit of pain hit her and her muscles were feeling numb for a few short moments. She tried to regain her energy but she still needed something to eat, water and a good shower to clean the blood from her skin.
At that moment those things didn't matter. Chewie was gone.
'Slow down, your wound can open again if you are not careful,' Leia warned her.
'Look, this is driving me crazy too, but there isn't much we can do to help right now,' Poe said. 'We have nothing that could help us stay alive inside of their base. And you know me, always risking.'
'But you have me! I can help. Believe me I can fix this!
Her mind made her think immediately of Ben. She trusted him just as much as she trusted her friends and her master.
They wanted to protest. However Rey interrupted them before even having time to speak and asked them to show her where she could take a shower. Finn offered to show her the base and promised not to bring that up for a while.

After almost a week, Rey felt much better and her wound started healing well. She trained for a while but hated that they let Chewie alone for such a long while.
Rey, Poe and Finn decided to take the Falcon and fly to the First Order's - Final Order actually- base. She was nervous but determined and could tell that her friends were feeling the same. They were going to save Chewbacca. And she was going to see Ben again.
As their ship flew through the galaxy emotions took over Rey's mind. Why did she even missed Ben? Why did she hate the fact that she hadn't seen him since the day she got injured? Of course that she knew why but didn't want to admit it.
'We are getting close,' Finn announced. 'Are you sure you are fine?'
'Yes. Trust me.'
The boy handed her a little device that she knew exactly what was supposed to do. They were going to communicate through it in case they were splitting. The mission seemed crazy even to them, the trio that always did crazy stuff.
The ship landed slowly and Rey took out her lightsaber, prepared for anything. Stormtroopers came to check them immediately and they shot them.
The three ran with all their speed through the corridors, avoiding the bullets. Rey was constantly telling herself to ignore the last drop of pain that kept bugging her. But things already started going terribly wrong. Phasma sent lots of troops after them and Ben was nowhere to be seen. So the girl couldn't count on his help at that moment.
During their crazy run, Rey got separated from the boys. She stumbled on a narrow corridor with not much light that made the connection between two other main hallways. She took a few moments to take a deep breath before sneaking out again.
Suddenly, two strong arms pulled her inside of a room and she didn't have time to fight against it. The door slammed behind her and she noticed Ben. He was standing in front of her with his dark cloak falling on his shoulders and a concerned look on his face.
She exhaled and he came closer and hugged her tightly. She threw her arms around his neck and felt better than ever.
'What are you doing here, Rey?' Ben mumbled with his face buried in her hair.
'Chewie. We needed to save him.'
They slowly split apart and looked into each other's eyes.
Poe's voice comes out of the device she caught at her belt: 'We found him! Rey where are you?'.
'Please let them get out safe,' she begged and he nodded. She grabbed the device. 'Go to the Falcon!'
The girl glanced at the boy standing in front of her. She didn't want to lose him again.
'I have to go too,' she told him.
'No. Please stay.'
'Just for a little while.
The voice from the device came again: 'What are you going to do?'
She sighed.
'Just trust me. If I don't show up in a few minutes go. I will get myself out I just have to do something.'
No other protest came and Ben ordered his troops to go in a different direction, giving them enough time to leave. He came back to her and his face was showing an honest relief. He wanted her to stay with him even if they didn't have so long.
He glanced at her gut and she smiled.
'Thank you about that.'
'You really freaked me out at that moment.'
He stepped closer. He was fairly taller next to her.
'I need to go...'
Rey was turning around to leave when he caught her hand and brought her closer. He kissed her right away like he wanted to do it for a long while but never had the chance. She answered to the kiss and put her hand on his neck. When they separated they stood with their noses touching for a few seconds. He leaned down to get to her which amused her and she laughed as a large grin spread on Ben's face.
'Why do you have to leave?'
He kissed her again, slowly.
'Because I don't belong here just as you don't.'
'I am sorry,' he whispered. He was sorry for all the pain he had caused her in the past. He was sorry for not being the boy that she wanted him to be. He was sorry for not being able to be there for her all the time. But things were far more complicated than she thought.

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