The vision and the fear

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Rey looked up from the ground when the ship she saw every single day for the past two weeks landing on the island. Ben Solo jumped out with his dark cloak falling behind him reminding her of who he was. Or who he was pretending to be. Her heart ached a bit. She wanted him to accept who he was and give up on the darkness.
The island became their place and kept meeting constantly, getting to know each other really well.
Rey stood up from the wood bench she was sitting on and looked at him.
'Can't you just lose that cloke while you are with me? It gives me chills,' she spoke with a frustrated look.
'Oh, sorry.'
He went back to his ship and after a few moments he joined her while wearing a t-shirt and holding a grey hoodie.
'Much better.'
She fought back the urge to punch him each time he wore his cloak. She felt like she looked at Kylo Ren and she always fought him.
A lightning split the sky followed by a powerful thunder and the two made a silent agreement to go to the hut. But not just going like normal people. They raced each other through the rain, with their clothes soaked in water, splashing the water from the puddles and laughing. The girl stepped into the small house a few seconds before him and gave him a confident smile full of pride.
He laughed as he sat down on the floor and made a fire in the middle of the room. Rey watched him focusing as the flames threw a yellow light on his face; she felt fascinated by him. The girl shook her head and hugged herself to warm her body.
'You okay there? Ben asked.
'Yeah, I am fine.'
He finished making the fire and sat next to her on a piece of wood, placing his hoodie over her shoulders.
'You seem to need it more than I do.'
Rey glanced at him, happy and nodded as a 'thank you'. A smile spread on his face and since they were sitting close to each other, shoulder to shoulder, she could notice the tiredness in his eyes. The same look he had for a long while and that made her worry.
'Do you ever sleep?' Rey asked with a concerned voice.
Ben looked back at the fire. 'Of course I do,' he answered trying to avoid something. She rose her eyebrows and he lifted his hands like he gave up.
'Yes, it's still that nightmare. I know that is what you are thinking about.'
'Ben, it seems bad, okay? What is bugging you like that?'

Ben's p.o.v.
Her eyes were showing an honest sign of caring. Flashes with her body covered by blood ran before his eyes and screams filled his mind for a few short moments. Her screams. Caused by him. The same nightmare coming to him constantly.
'You don't need to worry about it,' he spoke, blinking to make those images go away. 'I still think I can fight my own demons for now.'
A shadow of sadness briefly took over her hazel eyes, making them look more brown than green.
'But I will always come to you first when I need help. That I promise!' he added and she smiled.
They talked for a while about training, gossiping, laughing and making jokes.
Later that day, when the sun was about to go down and the rain had stopped falling from the sky, the two walked out to get some fresh air.
Ben looked down to his right to the beautiful girl standing right next to him with a bright smile. Her hair was falling around her face but sometimes tresses would fly from the wind. She glared at him.
'What?' she asked and a grin took over his face.
'Well I am sorry to tell you but I have to go,' she continued. 'I am already acting suspicious for the others and if tomorrow I will be late again Leia is going to kill me.'
'I believe you with that. You don't know how terrifying it was for me each time she called me by my full name.'
Rey laughed and squeezed his arm before leaving to her X-Wing. He followed her taking off to the sky.
Suddenly, a terrible pain filled his head and his eyesight got blurry. His head spinned with pain and he stumbled a few steps before falling on his knees. He shouted in pain. Ben had no idea what was going on and his mind fell unconsciously in a vision.
He could see himself walking in a cave to someone wearing a black coat. He could feel his own fear and anger as he held his lightsaber tightly. That place or that person had a connection with Rey. And a very powerful one.
He came back to the reality after long painful moments. He knew what he had to and where to go to find that place. He had been studying it for days.

The action is now going to have a connection with tros but still remain different. I didn't write for a while because of school (ugh) but I will try to write more.

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