The light and the dark can bond

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Rey saw Ben Solo jumping out if his ship. His eyes betrayed him, he was just as shocked as her but somehow not feeling bad.
The girl walked closer yet still keeping the distance. He was actually there. She didn't know how but he was there.
'What are you doing here?' Rey asked keeping her voice cold.
'I could ask you the same question. After Skywalker died this place had been extremely easy to locate. So I kept coming here to clear my head and it seems like you've been doing the same thing.'
The two didn't say anything for a few moments. Her hand slipped from instinct to her lightsaber that was strapped at her belt. He didn't seem to notice and simply watched the sundown.
'Why don't you want to come back? Ben, I can help you! I promised you I will and I won't break that promise ok? I want you here...'
The last part were spoken in a low voice, but he heard it. He definitely did because the look in his eyes changed to sadness.
'I am a monster, you know it. You think I haven't noticed how you wanted to take your lightsaber? Because I did. Even you are afraid of me, I don't get why you want me back.'
She took out her lightsaber and his muscles strained visibly. Then she threw it on the ground and glanced at him again. His eyes filled with hope that he didn't even try to hide. She knew his feelings were real, she could feel it.
'I used to think you are a monster until you showed me you are not.'
Rey walked closer and closer until there were only a few inches between them. He was much taller next to her but even if she was short she was scary.
'Just give yourself a chance.'

Ben' p.o.v.
Ben glanced at the girl that was sitting in front of him behind the fire. She was beautiful. He hated that he thought that but he couldn't deny it. And she believed in him.
She looked up from the flames and her hazel eyes made his heart jump a bit. Why was he affected like that by her?
'I killed my own father,' he spoke in a low voice. Sadness filled his heart. The moment he killed Han Solo kept hunting him and slowly torturing him. 'And I regret it every single day. But she won't forgive me. I don't think she even wants me back.'
He opened up to her, feeling more comfortable with her than he ever felt with anyone.
'She wants her son back. Leia wants you home. She is aware you had been manipulated to do everything and she still loves you. Nothing is stronger than a mother's love.'
Those words made him feel somehow better but obviously hurt her. Her mother left her and since then she never really found someone to care about her except from Leia, Poe and Finn. And him. He wanted to get to know her and get close to her. Prove her that he cares about her. Rey got up and moved next to him. She pulled the blanket she had on her shoulders closer to her body and simply sat there without any words.
'For now, at least promise me you won't turn against me. Promise that I am going to spend time with Ben and never meet Kylo Ren again.' 'I promise,' he answered and she smiled. Wow, her smile was so beautiful and it made him realize he actually fell in love. He fell in love with the wrong person but he wasn't going to back away from it. The two kept talking and, surprisingly, laughing for the rest of the evening. Until Rey fell asleep on one of the two beds from the hut. Ben glanced at her, smiling and put a blanket over her before he also went to sleep in a separate bed.
Dreams came to him right away like it had happened every single night for weeks. He saw himself killing Han again, his mother crying, Rey screaming. Then her scream continued but the image changed and she was being tortured. It was his fault.

Rey's p.o.v.
Rey woke up when a sunray slipped through a window and touched her face. She opened her eyes sleepy and heard someone agitating in the other bed. Ben was still asleep but frightened by something so she took her blanket and walked across the room to be next to him.
She put her hand on his arm, scared of what he was feeling and he woke up suddenly with sweat falling on his forehead and fear in his brown eyes.
'It's okay,' Rey spoke and slowly pulled him into a hug. 'It was just a bad dream, that's all.'

I am so excited about their relationship evolving!! I have so many ideas, omg.

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