I think I remember

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Ben woke up in his bedroom as a sunray touched his eyes. He hoped memories would start coming to him but they didn't. He thought at Leia, his mother that he couldn't remember. Then at Rey, the beautiful girl that had thought he was dead and had been the one thing he had in mind. After he came back alive he didn't understand why his mind was thinking of a girl. Until he saw her and knew right away that he used to love her. And he realized that he would probably fall in love with her all over again. After all, she would be the one to make him feel happy.
He got up from his bed and took a shower. He had to try again. He had been there for days already.
It seemed like people were hiding something from him and he couldn't understand. He found out about his childhood and how he went to train with his uncle. Then he didn't get too many details. Just that it was a dark part of his life. He didn't even find out how he met Rey.
As he walked out of his room, dressed in a white t-shirt, black pants and a jacket, he decided to find out about his dark past.
After eating the breakfast with Rey, Poe and Finn, he went with the girl for a walk.
He was angry because he realized how everyone was avoiding the subject of his past.
'Tell me the truth, Rey. Please.'
'We already told you important parts of your life-'
'No, you didn't!' Ben snapped and felt bad about it. 'Leia had told me about my life as a child. You told me how we defeated Palpatine. Nothing about the other stuff!'
He was shouting, he couldn't help it even if he felt terribly bad. Her expression changed from a happy one to a mad one. The boy was feeling frustrated. He just wanted to know everything.
'Fine! Do you want to know the truth?' Rey asked with her voice cold as the ice. 'Luke wanted to kill you because he felt darkness growing inside you. You would have kept fighting it if he wouldn't have done that. Then you turned dark and became the apprentice of Snoke.'
She didn't want to remember all of that, he could see it.
'You became Kylo Ren. You ruled by fear. You killed innocent people, tortured me, my friends and killed your own father. You were terrible. But there was light in you, light that you wanted to bury. It didn't work. We became a dyad, you killed Snoke to save me. Those weren't your choices. But coming back to light and saving me were.'
Rey fixed him with his hazel eyes as he was taking in all the information. Nothing happened. No click inside his mind followed by memories. Nothing.
He put his hands on his head taking his face in his palms. He wanted to scream in anger but simply turned around so he wouldn't look at the girl.
'Why is nothing happening?' Ben mumbled.
With no other word he decided to leave.
'Ben...' Rey spoke softly but he made her a sign that he needed to be alone.

Rey remained alone, watching the boy leave. She had been surprised when he simply snapped but she understood his pain and confusion. Maybe all he needed was the truth even if they were all afraid he would turn dark again. He won't. She felt that.
But now she was angry too mostly because of their bond and how his feeling took over her too. And he shouldn't have acted that way either.
She walked back to a common room at the base where she would usually hang out with her friends. At that moment it was empty and she actually felt grateful for that.
Rey exhaled deeply and threw her bag with power on one of the couches then let herself fall on a different one.
'Not such a pleasant walk as I see,' Leia spoke as she walked in. She probably saw her coming there and wanted to talk to her.
'I told him.'
'Avoiding it was stupid, I know. I just thought it was the right choice.'
'Well, it wasn't! We shouldn't have hidden that from him, it's still a part of his life!'
Her voice was now louder and she realized that the old woman didn't have any fault in all that.
She put a hand on her forehead and closed her eyes.
'I am sorry...'
She smiled and Rey felt like the woman was too kind with her. Rey kept snapping with anger lately and Leia's son gave his life to save Rey. She didn't deserve so much kindness.
'When I was your age I was fighting to save the Rebellion. It was stressful and I know being a Jedi is even harder,' she said as she heard her thoughts. 'It is alright to feel overwhelmed.'
Rey swallowed and nodded. 'I do feel like that.'

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