Don't leave me...

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The pain from the side of her gut persisted and Rey couldn't fight for any longer. She stumbled to the Millenium Falcon with Poe and Finn behind her. Ships started flying away all of them heading to Endor, where the First Order wouldn't find them. Leia gave specific orders and everyone trusted her.
Poe dashed to the pilot's seats and Finn went in the back of the ship at the weapon.
Rey remained alone in the main compartment and fell on the ground. She pressed her hands against the wound and tried to grab some bandages to stop the bleeding.
Meanwhile, in front of her, in a Force bond, was standing Ben. His face had been covered by shock and fear when he saw her and threw himself on his knees next to her.
'Stay away from me,' she mumbled and groaned from the effort. His army attacked them and even if somehow she knew he had nothing to do with it, she couldn't help but be angry at him.
'Rey, you are bleeding! What happened?'
'Your stormtroopers happened.'
Each word make her hurt more and more. She glanced at him and saw that he had no idea about it.
'Hux actually attacked, I can not believe it. I kept protesting when he came with ideas for an attack and I did not let him do it for weeks. I was gone and he used that opportunity. I am so sorry, I didn't know. I should have been more careful.'
He looked around him and grabbed a couple of bandages from somewhere around him. She couldn't see his surroundings at all.
'Now, stop being stubborn and let me help you, okay?' Ben spoke with his gentle voice. But she could tell he was scared and she couldn't believe that he was scared for her.
Rey nodded and let him place bandages on her wound. She fought to stay conscious and watched him take care if her.
'So,' she said with a low voice, 'where were you during the battle?'

Ben's p.o.v.
Ben was focusing on her wound and tried to keep his hands still and not trembling. He was scared. The moment he saw her on the ground with her clothes soaked in blood his heart became smaller and smaller by each beat. But she was going to be fine.
He couldn't answer to her question, yet hated that he had to lie to her. He still couldn't believe that Rey was a Palpatine and decided not to tell her. Not at that moment for sure.
'I had to do something on a planet. Nothing important. I wish I would have been there to stop Hux.'
'I know...It's okay.'
She was falling unconscious he could tell that. The girl placed her hand on his cheek and smiled weakly. He put his arms around her back to hold her from falling on the floor.
'Don't leave me,' she whispered.
'I wish I could stay...'
Ben could feel the bond breaking and gently placed her head on the ground. He watched her fall asleep as the bond broke and he remained alone. He wanted to go to her, hold her in her arms and make sure that she was alright. But even without him she was in good hands. Her friends and his mother were going to take good care of her.

Rey's p.o.v.
Rey woke up, covered by a blanket on the only bed from the ship. People were fussing around around her, agitated. She had no idea how long had it been since she fainted. Her gut didn't hurt as much as it did before. She remembered how Ben took care of her and she smiled a bit.
The girl slowly got up with her back against the edge of the bed, while holding a hand on her wound and groaning. She noticed Poe and Leia arguing and Finn trying not to take sides. But when he saw her getting up he ran by her side.
'Rey! You are awake!'
'For how long have I been gone?' Rey asked confused.
'Two days.'
'Two days? That is so long!'
'We have been very worried about you,' Leia spoke calmly as she came closer.
'Oh yeah. We simply found you unconscious on the floor and bandaged so we placed you on the bed and didn't dare to move you after that. You gave us a hard time,' Poe added.
'Well, fill me in. I assume we are at the new base on Endor, right?'
They nodded. The look on their faces wasn't happy though and it made her suspicious. Something bad had happened.
'And why were you arguing?'
The three exchanged concerned looks which made her feel frustrated.
'Rey, I don't think you are in a good shape...' Finn started.
'Just tell me! I am fine now, stop being all worried about me.'
'Chewie is gone. The First Order captured him,' Poe answered and the words hit her even harder than the pain from the wound.

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