Not really gone...

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Ben knew only one thing. That there was a girl. He used to love a girl so much and he needed to go back to her.

Rey's p.o.v
'Be with me,' Rey spoke softly for third time and let the Force take over her. She had to see the Jedi spirits and maybe, just maybe, Ben was there too.
The girl opened her eyes and noticed the glade filling with blue spirits. All of them were unknown for her except from Luke, who stepped in front of them. Her eyes searched for Ben but he wasn't there. And instead of sadness, anger took over her.
'We know why you called us,' Luke said calmly. 'But he isn't here.'
She wanted to shout at him that she had been capable enough to notice that but simply remained silence for a few more moments.
'Why? Wasn't he good enough?'
Her voice was cold and harsh, she couldn't help it. She just wanted to see him and know that he is fine where he is.
'We don't understand what happened either, Rey,' another man spoke and she assumed that was Anakin Skywalker.
Her mind clouded and filled with too many thoughts that she couldn't remain calm anymore and the bond broke.
What was going on?
Rey stood on the ground alone, trying to understand. But everything seemed to be spinning inside her head.
Suddenly a feeling of warmth hit her and filled her chest. After a very long while she felt happiness and hope.
She ran away from the glade with speed heading to the edge of the camp. She accidentally hit Finn who tried to stop her but kept dashing. The feeling was getting warmer and more powerful.
The girl jumped in a taller place to look around and saw him. It was actually him.
His clothes were covered by dust and he was moving slowly but full of life. Their bond came back. Ben Solo came back.
A smile spread on her face and she rushed to him. People were watching her she could feel that. He glanced at her as she threw her arms around him. He held her and she moved her hands through his dark hair.
They split up and Rey noticed his eyes. They were full of confusion and that concerned her.
'I am so sorry,' he spoke softly. 'But who are you?'

Rey felt like she had been punched. He didn't remember her, or anyone. His mind was a blank. But he wanted to remember.
Ben told her how he simply woke up in the middle of nowhere only knowing that he had to find a girl. And as he reached closer to the Resistance base he felt her. But couldn't remember her.
Now, Leia was telling him stories. She was telling him about his childhood and his life. Rey simply couldn't walk closer to him again. Each time she did so she just wanted to kiss him and now it was painful. But she was happy, she still couldn't hide her smile. After all, he was alive.
'How is he?'
She turned around to see Poe coming to her.
'Alive... I think that matters the most.'
'You really love him, don't you?'
She looked at Ben again, his hair so dark falling around his pale face. His eyes full of confusion but his heart filled with pain.
'Yes. I really do...'
Leia was avoiding the details of his life as Kylo Ren like she didn't want to remember that. She didn't tell him about Han.
Later that day, Rey was sitting alone at a table, eating. It was already night and people were about to go to sleep. Yet she didn't feel like sleeping.
Ben sat at the same table and she smiled to him. He was the same. His gentle smile was just like before.
'I am trying to remember, Rey. I swear. I just, can't.'
'I know, it's okay.'
'No, it is not. I woke up with you in my mind, knowing I had to find you. I hoped that barrier in my mind would disappear if I saw you. I felt like home when you hugged me and felt our souls connecting. But nothing else.'
'Well, we are a dyad in the Force, what you felt was normal.'
'I just want to actually get back to you,' he said and took her hand. 'With the memories and everything.'
'You will. At a moment... I promise you that.'

I've been kind of absent, I am so sorry about that. I work hard on school right now.

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