The attack

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Later that evening, Rey jumped out of her ship and left her helmet on a table next to it. She started running to her room and after dashing for a few moments, someone stopped her by grabbing her forearm. She stopped suddenly and turned around to see Finn and Poe watching her confused.
'Where are you going in such a rush?' Finn asked. 'Wanna join us to dinner?'
'I will come in a few minutes, okay?'
Poe stopped her before she could run again. He had a grin on his face and he didn't say anything since they met but watched her carefully.
'Who's hoodie is that?' he finally asked and also made Finn stare at her. She cursed herself silently because she forgot to give Ben his hoodie back and her friends saw it.
'Nobody's,' she tried to lie and hope that he would leave her alone but doubted it.
'Who is he?'
'I am going to leave now. Don't expect an answer.'
She ran again before he could protest and right after closing her door a sharp pain came to her head and she fell on the ground with her back against it. She didn't see anything but heard a voice loud and clear "Bring her or kill her". The pain blinded her and she let out a short scream of pain. It had something to do with Ben.

Ben's p.o.v.
After the vision, Ben flew away from the island instantly. While flying in the galaxy he picked up from his bag something he had searched for a long while. The map to Exegol, the darkest planet. He connected it to his ship and followed the road.
After landing, Ben left the ship with speed but careful. Wind hit his face with power and he ignored it. The place was dark and the coldness took over his body. He pulled out his lightsaber and walked into what seemed to be a cave.
Ben looked around him carefully and stopped before a gap in the floor that led to a different cave even deeper. He jumped, landing with percy balance and followed the dark corridors. The darkness was all over that place and he felt something through the Force. Something that he hoped wasn't real.
'Come closer, my boy.'
The voice heard everywhere around him loudly. Ben wanted to ask who was out there but somehow he felt like ke knew the answer. It couldn't be real yet it had to be. Palpatine was there.
'The last Skywalker alive,' Palpatine spoke again and Ben finally noticed him. The white silhouette covered by a dark coat, hanging.
'How are you-'
Ben stopped in the middle of the question, his voice cracking.
'Alive?'. A terrible laugh came from him. 'I don't believe I've been dead.'
'What do you want from me?'
'Work for me. Get the girl here, make her kill me and become a Sith. Rule the whole galaxy together.'
'To many requests for a first meeting. I am not going to bring Rey here and involve her in any of this!'
'You care about her. And yet the offer of ruling with her didn't tempt you. You saw what will happen if you don't listen to me.'
The nightmares. Of course they had a connection with Palpatine, how couldn't he figure it out?
'Leave her out of this,' he spoke between his teeth with anger.
'I can't leave my own granddaughter out of this.'
The words hit him like a punch in the gut. It couldn't be true. She had the purest soul and hated the Dark Side of the Force the most.
'She is a Palpatine!'

Rey's p.o.v.
After the training from the morning, Rey walked back to her room to take a shower, when something blew outside making a loud noise. People started yelling and she turned around to go back outside.
Everyone was running around the place as ships flew above them attacking.
'The First Order!' Poe yelled next to her while running and leading a team of fighters to the place the enemies landed. Rey almost tripped when she heard but regained her balance quickly and took out her lightsaber.
She jumped in the battle, attacking with an incredible speed, using the Force and the lightsaber at the same time. Anger took over her mind for a few short moments until she realized Ben wasn't there. He didn't betray her, Hux simply attacked without him being there. But where was he?
Rey was surrounded by stormtroopers and she managed to dodge their bullets or simply make them go in other directions. Until one of them hit the right side of her gut and made her shout with pain and anger. Fires appeared around her and Poe jumped through one of them when he heard her. Her vision was fuzzy from the smoke and the loss of blood but stood up bravely.
Poe glanced at her questioning and she nodded to tell him that she was fine. Even if she wasn't.

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