✫Part 3✫

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*Colbys pov*

"Just listen"- A/u

*Layla's pov*

I honestly didn't know what to think.. I'm currently sitting in the airport with Finn waiting for our Uber to get here. I was wearing sunglasses and a hat with my hair pulled into a pony.
"I honestly don't know why your wearing that silly disguise I swear your smudging you're makeup" Finn complained, Though he was wearing sunglasses as well he shrugged "and I need to disguise myself so I don't get paraded with paparazzi.. wait" I hear a click come from behind me and I look to see a group of people staring at me, each holding a camera.
"Shit" I whisper. Pulling my hat down "too late". he looked over my shoulder and laughed.
"Look our Uber! Quick get in!" I pushed him in the car and slammed the door shut.

"Look our Uber! Quick get in!" I pushed him in the car and slammed the door shut

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We're otw

We're ready👍🏼


Does Colby know?

No not yet, let's just let you
come and see how it play out
from there okay?

Okay, we're close ttyl
Read 12:28 p.m


I set my phone down and stare out the window and look at all the familiar landmarks.
Stop signs, lights, Certain rocks and buildings, and eventually woods. The trees grew more dense the further we went, and it brought back so many memories of when we would all go hunting


"Colby no!" I mind link. We were both chasing a deer when he began to run faster than me, and it became more of a game rather than a hunt. I used my wings and shot myself forward, making me pass him up.
I looked back and he glared at me but I just stuck my tongue out and continued my run towards the deer until I finally caught it.
I tore off a hoof and threw it at an exhausted Colby.
He pouted and I panted happily, trotting over to him and licking his face, making him cheer up and lick mine as well.

"Your Adorable"

I was brought out of my trance when Finn shook my shoulder "we're here" he said.
I nodded my head and grabbed my carry on bag, pulling it over my shoulder.
All of our other cloths including finn's makeup, which he loves so dearly, will be delivered tomorrow night so we both packed carry on Bags for today and tomorrow.
We got out of the car, thanked the driver, and made our way to the door.
My nerves grew high as we approached it and I could feel my palms start to sweat.
"Finn I-I don't know if I can do this" I stutter in a low tone.
He sighed "your gonna be okay, I'm right here if you need me" he said in a soothing tone.
I let out a shaky breath and nodded my head, moving my hand towards the doorbell to ring it but before I could the door swung open and everyone jumped out, engulfing me in a hug that resulted in all of us falling to the ground.
"Oh Layla we've missed you!" "My sista is homeeeee" "we missed you so much!" "The house hasn't been the same since you've left"
They all cried.
I felt tears well up in my eyes and they hugged me. Just feeling them in my arms and hearing their voices made me so happy.
I knew it was wrong to leave so sudden, but I needed it.
Eventually they all let go and allowed me to stand up.
"I've missed you all so much" I smile, wiping a tear away that was threatening to fall.
"Layla you have no Idea how different it has been since you've left" Kat said sadly "we're just glad your back"
Everyone turned to Finn.
"Okay, according to Layla and pictures, ya'll are Sam, Katrina but preferably Kat, Corey, Devyn, Tara, Jake, and Liza?" He said pointing to each of them as he said their names.
They all smiled and nodded "great okay, phew imagine if I got them all wrong" he chuckled nervously.
"It's so nice to have you here" sam said in a greeting tone, shaking his hand firmly.
"Thanks, and thanks for letting me stay here" Finn replied.
"Anything for someone who watched Over Layla for us" Liza said.
I turned to her and smiled "oh Liza" I pulled her into another hug "I missed you so much"
She laughed slightly "I missed you too"
She slowly released and looked me in the eyes "Layla I am SO sorry for what I did, I thought I was helping, b-but I wasn't and I ended up hurting you and I'm so so sorry" she apologized.
"We all are"she spoke for everyone, they all nodded.
"I could never hate ya'll, I forgive ya'll... Colby on the other hand"
They all frowned "how is he?" I asked, scared of the answer.
"Not to well.. doesn't sleep, barely eats, cry's a lot. He only acts like he's okay and himself when he's filming a video, and even then you can tell he's different." Sam said sadly.
I sighed and nodded "I knew it.. I should be feeling bad, and I do! But at the same time I'm still angry at him" I say disappointingly.
"You have a right to be, layla, he did something horrible and is paying for it. We all feel bad but we can't control what happens next. Only you can" Tara says.
I nod, just as the front door opened again and he walked out. His face a lil pale and skinny, eyes red and puffy, hair messy. He looked a mess. My heart shattered at the sight of him. Memories flooded in my mind and emotions filled my heart.
Sadness and Anger..
"What's going on?" He asked.. then his, now dull, blue eyes fell on me and the whole world stopped spinning.
"Hi Colby.."

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