✫part 21✫

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Bright lights blind my sight as loud cheers erupt from around us. My gaze focuses on the brown and grey colored wolf growling and crouching only a few meters away from me.

Eyes stared into my back from behind me. Mr.Adder.

He was expecting me to lose this fight.. and I am willing to accept that fate. But I am NOT willing to submit to this hooligan. I will lose, but I am not going down without a fight.

I morph into my wolf form in what seemed to be not even a second, and once my black paws hit the ground I pounce. My teeth digging into the neck of my component.

Both yells and boo's were heard from within the crowd, but I didn't care. I was going to give them a fight they loved, whether it started the way they wanted or not.

Anpu fought back. His claw's scratching and digging into my skin. He was strong that was for sure, but I had the smarts. Instead of using all of my strength trying to get in a good bite, I was going to weaken him slowly. Wait no.. okay not weaken him. But hurt him enough to where the fight was interesting.

He pushed me off of him and once he did he tried to pounce on me, but I took flight and shot over him. He stopped in his tracks and quickly turned his body back around, jumping at me once again.

But instead of simply moving higher, or away from him, I let him tackle me back to the ground. His nails dug into my skin as he held me down, me keeping my head down to avoid being scratched in the eye. I didn't fight back all to much. I mean I could easily just poof away and tackle him from behind but I edged myself to not use my powers and just let him hold me down. But, after a few good seconds of him winning I escaped from his grasp my using my legs to claw into his skin deep enough to where I could easily push him off of me.

I crouch down low and flash my fangs at him as  we both circle around each other waiting for the other to make the next move. And me, being the confident person I am, decided to make that move. I bolted at him but before I got to close I planted my front legs and swung my body around him, flinging him to the side.

From he corner of my eye I could see Mr.Adder at the edge of his seat, the crowd's cheered torso he around him. Noah sat next to him, his gaze peering down right at me.

"You need to lose" he reminded me, quickly alerting me back towards Anpu. He tackled me, his paw on my neck keeping my head down, and his back legs clawing very deeply into my stomach. Blood started to seep from my already bad wounds and the stinging sensation began to worsen. This was it, this was where I let him win.

I already couldn't move, despite my wings which I could I easily use to push him off of me. Buuuut I didn't. I just laid there, seeing as though I was fighting back when really I was putting in almost zero effort.

He had, quote, "won".

A tap my paw on the ground, alerting them I had submitted.

He didn't move.

I tapped it again, Incase he didn't see..

Again.. nothing.

There was a darken in his eye. A weird hunger, or lust deep within his soul. He knew I had submitted, but he didn't care.

His claws, which had already caused enough damage to my stomach, continued to dig into my skin.. only now they were dragging.

Now, I was trying to get him off of me. Using what little strength I had left to use my body to escape from him. It didn't work.

By now I was starting to get worried. If someone was going to come it should be right at this second!


I look towards Mr.Adder and see 5 men holding Noah down, chains wrapped around his body and a muzzle now over his mouth. He was struggling against them but it was no use.

My heavy breathing soon turned into small whimpers hidden deep within my raspy voice. This wasn't good. I had promised Sam I was
Going to come back in one piece, not no pieces at all!? I can't die here!?

Anpu's paw trailed from my neck towards my face, where he pressed down hard, making sure to keep my face down.

"You regret talking back to me now huh" he linked.

I glared at him, despite my pain.


He pushed down harder, making me squeeze my eyes shut just waiting for my skull to be smashed and for me to die. The giant gash in my stomach was big enough to where I wouldn't be able to walk anywhere, and without Noah.. I'm as good as dead.


My eyes shoot open as a large force pushed Anpu off of me. I feel my head get lifted and held in someone's arms and I look to see the girls. Tara was holding me while Devyn and Katrina sat by me, worry evident in their eyes.

My blurry gaze then moved away from them and I saw Colby and Sam, both growling and crouched down low as they stared at Anpu, who began to stand up from when he was pushed down.

The hell? How? When?

Katrina created a large rain cloud above us and used it as a way to make everyone leave. And it worked. The crowed began to scatter and run back towards their car.

Mr.Adder glared at all of us before he too ran away in a hurry. But I knew, we'd see of him again very soon.

Jake, who stood outside of the Arena, created a large flame circle around us, trapping Anpu in with the rest of us. He was now standing up and growing at Sam and Colby, who stood dominate to him in front of me.

Sam was the first to move, jumping at Anpu. He tackled him to the ground and wrestled with him before throwing Anpu towards Colby. Colby places his paw onto his neck and crouched down, putting his face right in front of Anpu's.

I listened into their mind link

"Leave, and if I ever see you even near my girlfriend again I will personally rip you in half and burn your body back to hell where you came  from. Now go"

He removed his paw from his neck and pushed him right into the fire. He didn't burn, just got burnt, before quickly whimpering and standing up, running out of the arena and into the darkness of the woods, a small smoke cloud following him out.

The rain subsided and the fire died down.

Now, I let my head down and rest my body, too tired to keep it up anymore. My eyes slowly began to close, the last thing I see being Colby and Sam rush towards me. Falling onto their knees just as my eyes completely closed, and darkness.. overtook my brain.

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