✫part 12✫

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My eyes slowly open as I see I am now laying on the couch back at the house, everyone surrounding me confused as hell.. well all except one.

"Did I have another one?" I asked Finn, he frowned and nodded in response.

I sit up and sigh "Sorry you all had to witness that" I apologize "I can't control it"

Noah shrugged "Eh it's fine, we were just hella confused as to why you decided to destroy everything in your path" he chuckled.

"Wait I'm still confused.. what happened exactly?" Liza said.

"Sometimes when I get really really angry I black out and basically turn into monster me where I can't control myself and just lash out at everything. I call them Anger spell's. Did I.. hurt? Anybody?" I ask, scared of their response.

They shook they head "you took out a large chuck of the forest though" Corey chuckled, I nodded and looked back down.

"Why were you angry?" Colby asked.

"Because everything here was my fault.. a-and I know you said you didn't want me to hate myself but I can't help it when I was that cause of all this. If I hadn't let David in he wouldn't have had the chance to get to me and you wouldn't have acted on it. Then I left and y'all got sucked into this whole fighting mess it's not right and I feel totally responsible.. I mean look what's happened you and Sam are getting hurt how can I not feel guilty?" I wrap my arms around my waist and look down in shame for the truth spilling out of my mouth.

"Layla this isn't your fault" Colby said "I should have told you what David was planning and we could have worked it all out without you leaving, please don't blame yourself" he pleaded.

I shook my head "I really wish it was that simple but I don't think I'll ever not blame myself for this.. god I wish I had just never met y'all maybe none of this would Have happened and none of y'all would be in danger and-"

"Layla no amount of pain and torture could ever! Make me regret meeting you. I would walk through hell.. if it meant I would I even be able to see you and I think I speak the same for everyone here. Whatever has happened that has gotten us to this moment can't change, just know that no matter what we all love you and wouldn't blame you for a single thing"

By now there were tears in my eyes, and his words only made them fall. I really do love him, and it's great to know he still feels the same way.

He pulled me into a hug and we sat there for a few minutes before pulling away and looking into eachother was eyes.

"Do you understand?"

I nod, though deep deep down. A small part of me shook my head. No.

*time skip later that night*

"Ugh I don't wanna gooooo"'Noah whined, his head hanging off the edge of the couch "Mr. Adder's a bitch"

I laughed and nodded "agreed, and trust me I don't wanna go either way. But since I have a feeling Mr.Adder would find us if we don't show up so let's just go" I roll my eyes at my own words.

He sighed and stood up adjusting his shirt "hm how am I not attracted to you?" I cross my arms, grinning. He laughs "I give off a very gay vibe, which does tend to ward off girls" he says.

"Well are you?"

He shrugs "never really tried it, but I have never had a girlfriend or anything like that so I've technically never experienced anything.. Only time will tell" he said truthfully, making me nod.

Hm.. Noah and Finn! Oh my god Foah! Yes I ship Foah.

"Okay we ready?" Colby said, not to joyfully, as he walked into the room. "Hey" I walk over to him and give him a hug, leaning my head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat "we'll be fine"

He hugs back before pulling away and nodding "then shall we go?"

After a long drive the three of us finally make it back to the old warehouse.

"Ugh I hate this place" Noah sighs, turning back to a wolf before we walked in.

Me and Colby nod in agreement as we all walk in and our eyes land on Mr.Adder standing in the Arena "Welcome friends!" He smiled "Colby you are needed in the back and Shep I need you by me, Layla you can stay dear"

Colby looked at me worryingly before placing his hand on my shoulder reassuringly and walking away. Then I looked back to see Noah already down, sitting by Mr.Adder.

"How was Shep? Behaved well I hope?" He said, patting Noah's head. I mentally roll my eyes.

I heard a bang come from the back, but I chose to ignore it for now.

I shrug "he was fine. Now why did you want me here?" I cross my arms. He chuckled "your very head strong.. I like that. I mean might as well get straight to it" he said, snapping his fingers.

There was a long pause before the two trap doors behind him open and out comes Colby tied to a wooden post, being wheeled in by who I'm guessing is one of Mr.Adder's servants. His mouth bounded by a human muzzle and his body wrapped in chains probably so he couldn't morph into a wolf.

That's why he wanted him here.. he was gonna use him against me.

I stand up straight and run towards the metal bars "COLBY!" I yell.

"Now you see from what I can tell"

he paced around Colby

".. you and Mr.Brock here have some sort of connection, mate's I'm assuming. So I thought why not use that to my advantage. Now I'm guessing, from what I've seen so far, you won't willingly fight for me. So instead I'm gonna make you fight.. and the only way I can do that is if I make you fight for someone you love" he looks to Noah "I think you know what I'm thinking" he grinned.

Noah looked up to me apologetically before tensing up and growling at Colby, prowling towards him.

My instincts kick in and immediately I squeeze the bars and whip them open, using the strength of my transformation. I jump in and slam into Noah, pushing him away from the wooden post Colby was bound to. Not caring of of the pain from the blow.

Mr.Adder had already made it to the second level looking down at us

"That's it" he spoke deviously "fight for Colby"

"Fight for me"

𝚄𝚗𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚜✫/ 𝙲.𝚋(Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now