✫part 14✫

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It had only been 2 days since I was told I would be fighting and I was still sitting in that moment. That feeling that I was feeling when I was told hasn't left my body. It's like a constant drug attached to my mind. Almost like I'm frozen with emotion.

I find myself zoning out a lot. Thinking about what that first fight is gonna mean since there's two outcomes.

1) I lose and Mr.Adder loses money and they make Sam and Colby fight more knowing how much that would kill me


2) I win and just instigate this whole thing

Both options I don't wanna do! There's no way out of this. At least for now.

I was currently sitting outside in the garden trying to relieve my mind of this feeling I had trapped inside of me. I don't even know how to explain it.. it's a mix of fear, anger, and guilt.

"BOO" I jump back as Noah jumps out from a bush. I sigh in relief and hit his chest "you dick!" I say through my teeth before pulling him into a hug "but thank god your okay" I sigh .

He laughs "I'm all good, trust me. Plus you didn't hurt me too bad. Just a few sores here and there" he shrugged like it was nothing. I frowned "I still feel really bad" he shook his head "Don't. Trust me I'm fine"

I nodded "anyways, why are you here?"

"Mr.Adder sent me out to retrieve some money from this guy. Soooo I took a detour and though I'd come and say hi and how sorry I am your gonna be fighting on Wednesday." I sighed "Don't remind me"

He took a seat on the bench next to us and patted next to him for me to join , I did.

"Talk to me sister" he said.

"Well.. I just keep having this feeling. Almost like guilt but mixed with fear and anger.. and it's just trapped inside of me" I explain. He nods "you know what might help?" He says. I look to him "boxing.. hitting a bag of sand always! Helps me when I'm angry I bet it'll relieve you of some stress"

I chuckle "where are we even gonna get a boxing bag and glove?"

He grinned deviously "hmm there's a good gym nearby.. I know the owner and he would happily let us use the boxing room" he smiled. I sigh "I-I don't know"

He put his hand on my shoulder "Layla trust me.. boxing is a great! Way to release stress. Especially when your bottling up emotions it helps to let the anger out. Just come? For me? I don't want you getting hurt on Wednesday and you won't win if your all stressed like this"

I smiled lightly and nodded, patting his leg and standing up "okay fine.. let's do this"

He smiled widely and stood up, walking me through the house only to be stopped my Finn "where are y'all going?" He asked.

"Oh! Well we're going to the gym to go box.. wanna come?" I offered. He laughed and shook his head "oh no no no. I got my nails done yesterday you think imma let these claws get anywhere near a hazardous glove and sand sack? Nu uh. Y'all two have fun though" he looked up to Noah, who was a lot taller than him "but not too much fun"

Noah blushed and shook his head "oh god me with her? No no. Gross." He pretended to gag, and I gave a feeling his blush wasn't because Finn accused me and him of doing something sexual. Oh my god..

I smiled and grabbed Noah's hand, dragging him out of the house "bye Finn!" I yelled.

One we got into my car I squealed "you like Finn!"

Noah blushes hard "w-what! No! O-oh my god no!"

I smirked "you sooooo do! Ha! Yes I knew it I was rightttt" I sang. He rolled his eyes "oh hush! No I do not and we are not talking about his anymore" he pouted, crossing his arms and turning away from me.

𝚄𝚗𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚜✫/ 𝙲.𝚋(Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now