✫part 13✫

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(I thought why not post two days in a row😊 ENJOY!😁)

I growled and stooped low as Noah stood back up and shook off the blow, continuing to growl at me. I really didn't want to hurt him. But I know with Mr.Adder around he can't break his character so I'm gonna do what I have to do to protect Colby.

He pounced on me once again, grabbing at the side of my neck and latching into it. I scratched and clawed back at him and she shot me to the ground and wrestled me, me getting hit and scratched here and there. Finally I push him off of me and tackle him to the ground only for him to flip me over and him being on top. I use my Wings to slap him off of me and fly upwards before shooting back down into him. He stood back up. How strong is this guy!? He jumped towards me and bit into my wing, making me wince in pain, and threw me against the wall. I laid there in pain for a few seconds before standing back up, standing tall, and holding my ground. I refuse to submit.

He prowled back towards Colby, way to close for my liking. And even though I know he is not actually gonna hurt him I couldn't help but act on his actions. I used my mind and pushed him against the wall, holding him there. He tried to fight against it but Every time he moved I just pushed harder. Slowly, I walk towards him. It seemed as though everything was in slow motion.

"Layla!" Colby yelled through the muzzle, sounding muffled. I could barely hear him so I continued to walk. Finally making it to Noah. I stare him deep in the eyes and throw him up against the bared ceiling and letting him fall to the ground with a big umpth.

"Layla don't you dare! Hurt him" colby yelled, still sounding muffled.

I would never hurt Noah, I just needed to prove my point to Mr.Adder.

I am not to be messed with. ESPECIALLY when my friends lives are at risk.

I placed my paw against his head, pushing down slightly.

"Submit and this will all be over!" I mind linked.

He tapped his paw on the ground and immediately I released his head from my grip and allowed him to stand up.

"I'm so sorry" I link, before looking back at Colby. Who looked relieved.

I use my mind and undo his muzzle and chains letting him free. He ran to me and pulled me into a tonight hug "Thank god" he whispered into my fur.

We released when claps were heard echoing through the warehouse.

"Wow" Mr.Adder spoke.

"What a great performance! That was even better than I expected, great job Layla" he congratulated me "Yes yes your fighting will do splendid for my fights! People will come from all over to see a female Nightwing fight. Oh think of the money.." he trailed off "Okay I will see you next week for your first fight
..Wednesday at 11:45 sharp. Oh and I'll give you your attire to wear once you get here" he said "until then Layla.." and he walked off. Into the shadows.

Almost immediately I turned back and went to Noah "oh my god are you okay? I'm so so sorry I-so had to or else I-I don't know!? Did I hurt you bad? Did I break anything!?" I rambled, inspecting his wounds.

He shook his head.

"Okay theres a few scratches and your probably gonna have a bruise somewhere on your body but I guess other then that your okay?" I question my own words.

He nods "what about you?" He mind linked "how's your wings and neck?"

I shrugged "I mean you tore out a few feathers from my wings, necks probably scratched up but I think I'm all good" I laughed softly.

He nodded and stood up, stretching his limbs to rid of the soreness.

"Are you gonna stay here again?" I ask. He frowned and nodded. I sigh "Then I'll see you next Wednesday?" I smiled hopefully, he nodded again.

"Wow your so boring when your a wolf" I laugh.

He lightly slapped my face with his wing and shook his head, looking up to Colby.

"Hey thanks for not killing me man" Colby said, oh thank god they don't hate each other anymore. At least.. I think. Maybe this is all just in the moment who know.

"No Problem, and sorry about you know.. attacking your girlfriend- or friends whatever you guys are" Noah linked.

"Friends*" I corrected him, he nodded.

"Well I best be going.. see you next Wednesday" he linked, flying up into the hole I had made in the bar's. When he landed we continued to limp towards the door Mr.Adder exited in. Walking in, and disappearing.

I sighed and looked back at Colby "you ready? I have injuries to tend to and sleep I crave" I chuckle.

He frowned "are we gonna dismiss the fact that your gonna be fighting on Wednesday?" He said. I shook the though away the second he said it, "we'll discuss it at home.. come" I reach my hand out for him to grab, and he did, so I sprouted my wings and flew us up to the the second floor.

After a long, silent, drive we finally make it home. Where everyone sat eagerly on the couches. The second we walked in they all stood up.

"Well?" Sam started "what happened?"

I glanced to Colby then back to them "well they used Colby against me.. putting him in danger so I would I fight. And I did.." I paused "now I'mfightingonWednesday" I rush, knowing if so said it slower it would I hit harder.

"What? I thought Mr.Adder didn't have girls fight?" Liza said, rubbing her elbow with her hand.

"He usually doesn't.. I guess I'm the exception" I sighed "but please let's not talk about it? It's still a week away and I don't feel like stressing over it I'm very busy between y'all and music I just.. can't deal with this right now.. okay?"

They all hesitated but nodded, making me nod "then I better be off to bed" I looked to Colby.

"Are you sure? We can have Corey look at your wounds?" He suggested, I shook my head "no no I'm fine.. just a few scrapes and bruises nothing serious.. I promise"

And with that last statement I continued to my room, hoping to go the night without having a nightmare. Which had become a common thing for me.

Luckily, that wasn't the case and I got a full's night sleep. Though I could hear the chatter from the other room and I knew they were all talking about me, which I understood. They were worried for me and I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried to.

But right now? There's nothing I can do. And I have a feeling I won't be able to do anything for a long time.. not until we figure out how to deal with Mr.Adder.

𝚄𝚗𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚜✫/ 𝙲.𝚋(Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now