✫part 29✫

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"So tell me Colby, when and where have you gotten hurt in this place" I say as I look around at the decaying warehouse that we entered.

Colby scoffed "who said I've gotten hurt here?" I could tell by his tone he was lying.

"I have!" Sam butted in "multiple times actually. I've told Layla all the amazing and embarrassing thing's you have done here" he grinned.

"Since when do you two have time to talk about that?" Colby question's.

"On our Wednesday hangouts" I say in an obvious tone "We put on face masks and just gossip. You'd be surprised how much Sam know's about social media gossip and celebrity drama"

Sam nodded "The world of fame is wack"

Colby nodded "yeah yeah yeah" he snickered "Jake stop climbing that!" He yelled to Jake, who was climbing a pillar in a not so very safe way.

"But brovaaaaaa" He wined back, making me giggle.

"Oh don't brova me you immature teletubby" Colby shot back "You get down right this minute" he was acting like a dad again, it was honestly quiet hilarious.

"Oh leave him be" I scold "If he hurt's himself he'll learn from his mistakes and just not do it again. Plus, if he does Tara will just scold him" I laugh, earning a nod from Tara in agreement.

"Oh my god Sam look" Colby pointed to the small staircase leading up to a singular door.

Before sam could answer back to Colby I spoke "it's the red murder room!" I smile as they all look at me confused "Oh While I was in a depressing state and missing y'all in New Zealand I went on a binge and watched most if not all of y'all's vid's on each individual channel. That's the room where people have been killed and the wall's are filled with red graffiti. Oh, and y'all use to dare each other to go in there with no light's whatsoever which is honestly hilarious" I explain with a smile.

"Damn, so you've seen everything?" Colby asked in a scared and embarrassed tone.

I nod "If your referring to old vines, you grinding with Sam to the cover of grind on me, and other things to which I shall not name then yes, everything" I grin deviously.

He groaned and leaned his head back "Great" he sighed.

I nod "yeah, anyway's let's go to the murder room" I say cheerfully, skipping towards the stair case.

"Um are your crazy? I'm not going up there!" Finn exclaimed, the girl's agreeing.

I frown "Oh why not, it's day out it'll be a lot less scary" I pout "come one ONE of y'all have to come. If not then, I don't know, I could just call upon my bee friends" I grin deviously, making them all groan and Jake and Corey make gross faces.

I laugh as Jake sigh's "Fine, but only because I've never been and bee's are scary.. meaning your scary... your a scary bee" he frowns.

I nod "Queen bee" I correct him, making him roll his eyes "Corey? Sam? Colby?"

They all shake their heads.

"HELL NO" -Corey

"You see, imma pass" -Sam

"No, that room is creepy. But please be safe!" -Colby

I nod and we walk up the stair and towards the door, slowly creaking it open to see the room, as described, painted with red graffiti. We walked further in and the feeling only became more Erie.

"Are y'all alive?!" Finn yelled from outside the room.

I nod to myself "Yeah! It's creepy in here!" I call back.

"I really hate you right now" Jake says as we walk closer towards the back wall, inspecting the demonic art written on it "I can't believe you used bee's against me, again!"

I shrug "yeah well, it's your fault for being afraid of them" I say back.

"Brova they're small, fly, make a terrifyingly annoying noise, and they sting. What's scarier than that?" He asked back.

"Bird's, bird's are a lot scarier" I answer "they're larger, can bite hard and peck depending how angry, they can fly at you, and can have sharp talon's. Scary"

"No way, are you scared of bird's!?" He gasps in shock, only making me laugh and shake my head.

Almost on cue, a black crow flew from a ceiling pillar and began to peck and fly around us. Me and Jake both began to freak out and wave our hands above our heads as we make a run back for the door, stumbling down the stairs and into our significance other's arm's as we slowly calm down.

"Bro what the fuck what that!?" Corey exclaimed as he saw the black crow fly out from the room and stared at it flew out of the warehouse.

I slow my breathing down and speak "a freaking crow" I explain "honestly quiet hilarious, what do you say Jake, you scared of birds now?" I grin, not fazed by what happened.

He popped his eyes open, which were squeezed shut, and glared at me "YEAH! Thank's a lot layla!"

I laugh "your welcome"

"Uuuuuuuuuh guy's?" Noah catches our attention as we turn back towards the door.. which was now closed. Huh.. we didn't close it.

"Oh hell no" Devyn says as she turns around and walks back towards's the entrance, Corey by her side "yeah let's go" he agree's.

We all nod unanimously and follow them out, not looking back. "You see! This is why we don't go to the warehouse!" Colby says "and why you don't go in haunted room's alone" he scolded me, making me roll my eyes.

"Yeah yeah, but now I can do this" I grin as I morph into a crow and fly over Jake, making him freak out once more as I chase him through the wood's, Tara behind us yelling for us to stop messing around.

"IM NOT! ITS LAYLA!" Jake whines as everyone laughed and watched as I tormented Jake. You know, I should make this a hobby. Just bullying Jake. It's honestly quite fun.

(Sorry it's another filler chapter! Next one will be a lot better and will be in Colby's pov sooo prepare. Drama end tea in the future😋)

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