✫Part 10✫

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As I stomped into the woods I could hear rustling coming from behind, But I didn't need to look to know who it was.
"Shep I know I told you to come with us but I really wanna be alone right now" I say, trying my best not to snap.
"Names Noah actually" I voice said from behind me.
I stop in my tracks and turn around to see the once wolf, now a human. I stare in disbelief "I-I thought you never turn back human?" I question.
He shrugs "Never had a reason.. not even Mr.Adder has seen me human. He's a dick why would I reward him with the pleasure of my face?" He scoffed.
I nod "true"
"So.. your the girl that got me a day off from the devil himself" he says "to be honest you don't seem as much, but you seemed to stand up for yourself well back there"
I roll my eyes "Kinda had to, all Colby did was stand there while glaring daggers into Mr.Adder's face" I said "someone had to speak"
"Yet you agree'd to go and watch a fight tomorrow?" He questioned.
I nod "Yeah, if they
guys won't tell me much about what's going on that means imma have to find out myself.. hence why I decided to invite you along for the night and rest of tomorrow"
He raised an eyebrow "you think imma just tell you things?"
I cross my arms "yeah.. if not I can just you know.. let you go back and you can watch more people suffer while you sit as a lap dog next to Mr.Adder" I shrug my shoulders.
"Layla you understand I can't just tell you everything right?" "I mean I could just go get all the guys and make em each bite you till you do. And I have the power to control others powers so I can simply turn your's off" to be honestly I haven't quite figured out how to use that power yet.. but he doesn't need to know that.
His eyes widen "you can seriously do that? How?"
"I am the daughter of the king of the night wings? Might have heard of him?"
He rolled his eyes "that dick? Yeah never liked him.. oh- no offense"
I shrug "none taken.. he wasn't the best"
He nodded "what about his other kid? David I think his name was"
I sigh "he died.."
Noah nodded "oh.. sorry"
I shake my head "it's fine he tried to kill me multiple times"
Noah sorta laughed at that statement, making me smile.
"Okay so what do you wanna know?" He asked, taking a seat on a rock behind him.
I shrug "everything.. starting with why you never turn to your human form"
He nodded "well one, its like I said. Why treat them with this face? Ha just kidding. I never saw the reason, I've always felt more at home with my wolf body so I just never changed. Plus, I have wings.. who doesn't want that!?"'he exclaimed, causing a giggle to leave my lips.
I nodded "true that"
"Anyways after a good while of being a loner, Mr.Adder found me. Told me he could give me a new life.. one where I had a purpose. I said okay and pretty much did whatever he asked me to do. That was until he introduced me to the business.. I was too deep to leave so I stayed, and dealt with his fighting crap"
I furrowed my eyebrows "but why not just leave?"
"I was to scared to be alone.. he is literally all I have"
I shake my head "Nope, you have me now. And Colby and everyone else"
"Even sam? That guy hates me even more than Colby does" he chucked.
I shrugged "okay he may need some time but trust me, he's a great guy." Sam's one of the sweetest most caring friend I have. All he wants is what's best for his friends, he'll come around.
Noah nodded "okay.. so.. shall we head back? It's getting kinda late anyways and I would love to know where I'll be staying for the night" he chuckled.
I nodded and we both made our way back towards everyone. "Ya'll ready to go?" I asked. "Is he coming with us?" Sam glared at Noah.
I glared back "he is"
We glared into each other's eyes before Sam rolled his eyes and suddenly we were all back at the house.
Sam groaned and collapsed on the couch, running his sore neck. Corey immediately ran to his aid "okay these are pretty bad wounds, even with my powers their gonna sting when I heal them okay?"
Sam nodded "just get it over with"
We all watched as Corey places his hands over the cuts and slowly but surely they disappeared, the only thing to remain... scars. Sam scrunched his face in pain every time once would scar up, I could tell it was painful.
After a few minutes he fell asleep on the couch and we all watched as he slept peacefully.
"Sorry this happened to your friend" Noah sighed "I'll try to talk to Mr.Adder about making ya'll fight less"
I looked at him "really? You think he'd listen?" He shrugged "probably not.. but I am gonna try"
I pulled him into a hug "thanks" he hugged back. We stood like that for a few seconds before someone coughed from besides us. Colby.
"Uh yes?" I asked awkwardly.
He looked at Noah "where is this guy gonna uh.. sleep" he asked.
I thought for a moment "oh I know! Y'all can both bunk in the beach house"
Both their eyes widened "what!?" Colby yelled. I nod "you ain't sleeping with me tonight, and he's staying the night sooooo.. y'all get to be roomies!"
They both look at each other, Colby looking more angry than Noah.
"I swear Colby if ya'll start to fight ya'll are both gonna get whooped by me" I say, crossing my arms. "So ya'll get a move on, I'm gonna go talk to Finn" and with that I walk off.

*Colby's pov*

I glare at Noah

*Noah's pov*


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