✫part 16✫

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(Wasn't too pleased with the results of last chapter so I'm rewriting it oop)

My eyes peek open as a warm presence next to me was made known. My eyes glanced to Colby and I smile, remembering the night we had before. I carefully get off the bed and make my way towards the kitchen, careful to not wake up mr.sleeping beauty.

Sam and Kat were already awake and we're watching TV, snuggling next to each other. Reminds me of what me and Colby used to do.

Once they saw me they both grinned "Morning Layla" Sam said sneakily "How was your night?"

I blush but roll me eyes "we are not gonna be speaking about this" I say sternly, taking the milk from the fridge to make hot cocoa.

"Talk about what? The noises we heard from your room last night? Yeah we don't have to talk about that-" Kat snickered "Yet"

"Yeah yeah okay okay I get it. But today we have bigger fish to fry than me and Colby's love life. I'm fighting in the arena today" I sigh.

Sam frowned and traced his hand up his shoulder towards one of his visible scars "you know Colby won't let anything happen to you right? That guy would jump in front of a bullet for you"

I shake my head "I know he will that's what worries me. I think I can handle myself, I just don't think he can. If we're gonna survive this whole arena fight thingy Colby's gonna need to learn how to put trust in me and to control himself. If he doesn't we're all screwed.." I trail off, making up scenarios in my mind where Colby protects me but there's a consequence for all of us.

"Don't worry we'll contain him, just.. promise us you'll be careful?" Kat ask's sweetly.

I nod "I mean.. if the guy gives me a reason to be brutal there's no holding me back. I got a lot I'm fighting for"

They both nod and turn their attention back towards the Tv.

Eventually Colby and everyone woke up and our day continued as normal. Colby hadn't brought up what happened that night before, which I'm thankful for. I think today should just be focused on tonight instead of figuring out our feelings for eachother.

But I do believe me and Colby are on the same page when it comes to our relationship. We're just waiting for the confirmation. Which probably will happen in the near future.

Now it was around 10:30 and we were all getting ready to go. Everyone dressing nice since that's the usual attire for these fights. Though, I am wearing just sweats and a shirt since Mr.Adder is gonna make me change into something else before the fight. God knows what it is, probably lingerie since he's a perv. At least from what I've heard from him.

"Are we all ready to go?" I yell to the house, fidgeting with my fingers and popping them anxiously. That was a habit I picked up as a kid.

A series of okay's were heard throughout the house followed by footsteps. Soon everyone stood before us, so me and colby stood up, me staying close by his side.

We all decided it would be best if we just had same teleport us there, save us the trouble of dealing with car's.

Once we arrived we made our way inside and I began to walk towards the back door, only to be stopped by Colby. He spun me around and placed a gentle kiss on my lips, catching me by surprise. When he pulled away he looked into my eyes "please be safe?" he asked is a soft tone.

I respond with a smile and a nod "promise" before turning back around and walking through the door leading into the dark hallway. The door behind me slammed shut, making me flinch.

I looked around, not sure which door to walk through since there were 4. I decided just to yell "Mr.Adder?!"

There was silence before the very little lighting within the hallways shut off and then flickered back on to reveal Mr.Adder standing at the end of the hallway.

I furrow my eyebrows and cross my arms "wow, very scary entrance" I roll my eyes. This was just ridiculous.

He chuckled "I'll scare you eventually" he said "but until then.. you fight. I'm glad to see you came comfortable, here's the outfit you'll be walking in with" he tossed me a small plastic bag, I peeled it open to see black lingerie.

I roll my eyes "Great" I mumble.

He snickered and walked off "You can change in the room to your right" he called before slamming the door shut.

I walk into the door to my right to see 3 different changing rooms. Only one had a curtain so obviously I chose that one. I pull the curtain close and began to undress. Suddenly I heard the door creek open and I freeze. Thankfully I had only taken off my shirt and was left in my sports bra so if I needed to walk out and punch someone I would gladly do so.

I turn to my hybrid form and flare my claws's, slowly moving my hand towards the curtain as footsteps approach my room. I quickly pull the curtain open and place one finger under the neck of the person standing in front of me. I didn't recognize him so I wasn't scared to hurt him if I needed to.

"Easy princess I'm your competition for tonight" he rolled his eyes.

I glare at him "and what are you doing here?"

"I knew I was fighting a girl.. so I came to let you know I'll take it easy on you" he grinned, looking me up and down. I almost gag, but remove my nail from his neck, making him ease up.

"Gee thanks, can't say I'll do the same for you tho" I growl "If I go easy on you Mr.Adder
will see I may be of no use to him and he'll use my friends more for his fights.. I ain't gonna let that happen" I Shut the curtain back close and continue to undress, placing the lingerie on my tanned skin.

"Hm so your a friends kinda person?"

"No I'm a family kinda person. I'd rather die first than see the only people I love get hurt" I respond, placing my sweatshirt back over my body to cover up.

I walked back out and looked him in the eyes "and I'm not gonna die easy" I hiss, exiting the room to see Noah exiting one of the doors.

I smile and whistle, earning his attention. Once he saw me he smiled and stuck his tongue out in joy. He trotted over to me and I stroked his soft fur.

"Good to see you again" he linked.

I laughed "yeah, same to you"

"You ready for tonight?"

I nod.

"Shouldn't be too hard. The guy your going up against isn't the best fighter, but he can bite pretty hard"

I grin "good.. that just means I can bite harder"

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