✫part 27✫

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By the time everyone had finished dinner we were all pretty aquatinted. I heard many Colby stories which I have chosen to hold over his head for the rest of eternity, and they all learned more about my job and the kicks that go with it. I even told them what a few celebrities are like since a lot of them act differently than how you'd expect them to.

The last thing we had to talk about was me being a Night wing and basically what that means. I'm hoping they don't freak out or think I'm bad for their son, but Colby reassured me that they wouldn't care. And I trust him, so I guess it's time..

"Can we tell them now? There's no better time?" I link with Colby.

He nods to himself and sets his fork down on his plate and fixed his posture. "Mom, Dad, Gage, Layla has something she would like to tell y'all. But before she does, just know she is not in any way dangerous and has actually saved my life on more that one occasion" He chuckled quietly.

His mom nods "Well at first I thought you were gonna say your pregnant, but now I'm guess that's not the case?"

We both shake our head and Colby looks to me, nodding his head. I turn to face them "I'm also a werewolf, like Colby" That didn't surprise them too much, but they were intrigued "But I'm not exactly like him. I'm a breed called nightwings. The only differences from me and them are I have wings, and a few more powers. My ancestors weren't exactly the best sort of wolves, they were actually quite horrible. And as it turns out I'm suppose to be the "quote" queen of them, but a year ago we dealt with with that and my suppose to be pack are all free of their horrible leader and have chosen to take their own path's, one that does not involve world chaos. I am a good guy, and have absolutely no intention of ever hurting anyone. I love your son, with all my heart" I finished, my hand grasping Colby's from under the table.

Gage was the first to speak "So... you can fly?" He asked hopefully, releasing the tension.

I laugh and nod "Yes I can fly"

His dad was next "Dear we trust you, and we trust our son. He wouldn't have chosen you if he knew you could be a threat to him or his friends"

"And we can tell your a good person" His mom continued "Your kind, and sweet, and I trust from Colby you've protected him more than once cause he can be a baby sometimes" Colby rolled his eyes and I laughed "And we trust you'll do it again if it comes to it" I nod "So I guess the last thing to do is show us what you look like! I mean I've seen Colby and was amazed by him but I have a feeling your gonna be even more amazing" she laughed.

I laugh "Thanks, wanna do it in here? Or outside?" I offer.

His dad huff's "In here, our nosy ass neighbors are probably peeking over the fence as we speak" He said.

His mom roll's her eyes "Oh stop they do nothing of the sort. And yes you can do it in here, but let's go to the basement it's a lot more roomy in there" she reassured me.

I nod and stand up, following them all downstairs to the basement. It was sorta like a living room, just underground. Very cozy.

"Okay Layla take the show away!" Gage clap's.

For some reason I was sort of embarrassed. I guess cause it's his family, literally people I may be family with one day. Why wouldn't I be scrared!?

I morph and immediately Colby's mom awe's, sort of surprising. "Your so cute! And the black fur suits you" she says sweetly "but you need a little feminine touch" she thought for a moment "Here come here" she patted her lap as she took a seat on the couch.

I walked over to her and sat, then began to feel long tusks if my fur being braided together right near my ear. She tied it with a small hair tie that had a little shiny heart pendent on it. I panted happily and looked to Colby's phone, which he had pulled out to show me.

I barked in a happy tone and rubbed up against her legs as she pet by fur. I then morphed and have her a big hug "I love it"

She smiled "Knew you would. Every girls must show off her beauty, even wolves" she said.

I gave her one last smile before Colby spoke "Layla ready to head to bed? I wanna show you around town tomorrow before the Bar-B-Q and yes it's a small place but there are so many memorable places to see"

His mom nods "Yes, like the burger place where you had your first pickle? Oh the face he made when he tried it, Oh! I think I even have a picture!" She pulled her phone out as Colby groaned in embarrassment for what felt like the millionth time this afternoon. She showed me the picture and I awe'd so hard, it was literally so cute.

"Okay that's enough night mom, night dad, night Gage! See y'all tomorrow morning!" Colby said as he dragged me upstairs, me yelling goodnight just as he shut the door.

"Wow Colby, got things to hide?" I tease as we make our way up to his room.

He scoffs and laughs "Yeah, my dignity" he responds, making me laugh as well.

We walk into his room and let's just say, it's exactly what I imagined his room to be like. Blue comforters and sheets, blue wall's, Kingdom hearts posters, video game console attached to small TV. Even a few action figures on the night stand and drawers.

"Wow.. your room matches exactly as I envisioned it" I laugh, grabbing one of his toys and pretending to shoot it at him "pew pew pew"

He clicked his tongue and grabbed it from me hand, making me laugh. "Yeah okay, I was a nerd no need to rub it in" he chuckles.

I scrunch my nose and give him a funny face before taking a seat on his bed and leaning back. He joins and wrap's his arms around me "my family loves you" he says.

I smile "Yeah.. they love you more thought. I can see it in their eyes, even your brother's..They're proud of you"

He laughs "Yeah, I guess that's why they like to embarrass me so much"

I nod "Thats exactly why." I could feel my eye lids start to get heavy, jet lag was starting to kick in I guess "Good night Colby" I yawn "I love you"

He rubs my arm and leans his head on mine "Goodnight Layla" he says in a soothing voice "I love you most"

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