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*Years later*

"Colby! Mother fucking! Brock!" I yell to the house, an empty carton of oreo's sitting in my hands.

"Yes, Layla? Darling? Light of my life?" He called back to me. All innocent and shit. He wasn't innocent. He was involved with a terrible crime. A crime I must get justice for.

"Don't sweet talk me mister" I walk into our room where Colby was hiding under the covers of our bed. "You big baby get out of there" with a lift of my finger, the sheets were floating above his head. He sat curled up, his hands over his head.

I smiled at his childish actions.

"Did you seriously teach him how to fly? After I specifically said to wait at least another year?" I say, crossing my arms.

Colby looked up to me with his piercing blue eyes and grinned "Depends"

"On what?"

"Depends. if you're going to kill me I wanna at least congratulate Jake on making our son a sneaky little thief. If you're not going to kill me then I still want to congratulate Jake on making our son a sneaky little thief" he smiled cheekily.

I gasp "JAKE!" In less than 10 seconds I was sitting on the counter of Jake and Tara's house. I saw Toby and Carlos, their two twins, sitting on the couch and playing with their pink cars. Obviously, Tara got those for them. "Where are your parents?" I ask them sweetly. To which they pointed to the back door which I quickly zoomed towards.

When I made it outside I saw the two of them hiding in the playhouse they had built Toby and Carlos. "I know y'all are up there! Jake get your fat ass down here!" I yell.

"I knew this day would come!" He yelled, "So I called for backup!" He then continued to do a pretty bad crow noise.

Oh god, this should be good...

Suddenly a group of people I sadly called my friends ran from the side of the house, fully covered in cardboard armor. Notice I said sadly.

"What the hell are y'all-" I began to laugh, unable to contain it. This was just.. normal honestly "Wait where's Corey" I question.

"Corey you're heavy!" I look up to see Liza lifting Corey in the air. He had cardboard dragon wings and wore a dress.

"Liza I'm a dragon princess I can't be a fucking dragon princess if I can't fly! And Noah refused to carry me!" He exclaimed, using his hands to balance Liza's wobbly flying.

"For good reason!" She yelled back, before dropping him just a few feet from the ground. He landed with a big thump and quickly fixed his posture.

"Oh Corey, what are you-" He interrupted me.

"Silence! Foul Lady Layla! I am Princess Corey and I am here to protect Sir Jake and Miss Tara!" He announced, "Oh and I have an army" he looked towards everyone else who continued to hold their stance.

I snickered and crossed my arms "Oh really? Huh" I lift my hand and snap my fingers "Well so do I"

Suddenly a whole army of literal knights appeared behind me, all holding weapons. I loved to use my illusions power, it's become my favorite especially when it comes to messing with the guys. For the kids, I use it to tell stories, whether it be our own or simple fairy tales. They love it.

"That's not fair!" Kat explained.

I shake my head "It's not. But I don't care" I grin "Jake taught my kid how to steal!"

"What?! I showed him where your Oreos were BIG difference" Jake yelled from the playhouse "I didn't say steal them"

"It was implied! He's 4!" I yell back "Of course he's going to take the rest of my oreo's! There's a reason I put them on the top shelf! He loves cookies!"

"That sounds like your problem" Tara argued back "Actually and you and Colby problem. From what I know he's the one who taught him to fly"

I roll my eyes "Yeah and ill be dealing with him later. Right now I'm dealing with y'all. Now I understand that Jake showed him where the cookies were. After god knows how many times I have dealt with him stealing my cookies in the past" I smile reminiscing on the many MANY times I've caught Jake "So I'm simply doing it again"

"Why not get mad at the kid! Who ACTUALLY stole them!" She yelled back.

I shrug "Because I love him and Solely blame the bad influences known as my friends. And husband." I say.

"Oh blah blah blah-" Jake was interrupted by a small bark coming from above the house. We all looked up to see a small black wolf pup flying towards us, his tongue out and panting happily. When he got close to me his wings sprouted away and he morphed into a small boy, landing in my arms.

"Mom!" He giggled happily, squirming out of my arms and landing on the ground "Dad taught me how to fly! I can soar through the air like a bird on my own!" He said happily. I was no longer angry at anyone, his excitement was enough to melt my heart and make me smile in awe.

"I heard," I say interestedly, glancing at the site gate where Noah and Finn joined us. They had been caring for my son seeing as they wanted to spend some time with him "speaking of flying, you happen to eat any of the Oreos I hid in the top pantry" I ask.

My son's face immediately turned to guilt "I- uh- yes" I looked down sadly "Sorry mom" he mumbled.

I smile and kneel down to his level "It's fine. It'd uncle Jakes fault anyways right?" I chuckle, glancing at Jake who's mouth hung open in shock at my songs next words.

"It was" He giggled "But look!" He put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a small package of 5 Oreos "Uncle Finn and Noah took me to the store and I got you some more cause I felt bad" he said proudly "I spent a whole 3 dollars on them"

I laugh and take them from his small frail hands "Oh thank you so much. I forgive you" I tell him, making him smile and give me a hug. I picked him up and Colby appeared from behind us. He looked around in confusion as to what had happened in the short amount of time of him not being here.

Jake and Tara were still in the playhouse. Everyone was still in their cardboard armor. And the soldiers were still behind me. A little crazy, but at the same time normal.

"You know what?" Colby began "I'm not gonna ask"

I laugh "Colby you may have taught him to fly" I grinned "But I taught him another trick" I whisper something in the small boy's ear, making him peek up and look at Colby in deep concentration.

"What in the-" Colby was interrupted by the smallest cloud of rain, no larger than an apple, pouring over his head, dampening his hair.

Everyone burst into laughter as Colbys face stood straight and everyone high-fived my son for a job well done. I set him down and walked over to Colbys, wafting a way the cloud and placing a kiss on his lips. "That's for not letting me see David's first flight" I whisper, making him laugh and continue our passionate kiss.


We had named him after my brother. Who despite trying to kill me.. many times, was still my brother and truly just a guy who had been hurt by my cruel father. Who I thought was an angel. David was also one of the people who brought me and Colby closer together, so in a way, I named him after him to remember him. It's what he deserved after serving a not so pleasant life.

"Sorry, dad" David giggles as he walked over to Colby and gave him a big hug.

"Oh it's okay buddy" Colby picked him up "Now I gotta teach ya how to make it bigger so we can get your mom back" he whispered not to secretively. David laughed and nodded.

As I looked around. I saw my family. The guy who had chased me into a lake and almost killed me was now my husband and we had a beautiful boy. His friends were the most important people to me. So goofy and fun, so brave and courageous. They were the absolute best. This was my family. And I will forever be great full for them and everything they have done for me.

I loved them.

I loved my family.

~The End~

𝚄𝚗𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚜✫/ 𝙲.𝚋(Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now