✫part 17✫

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(IT'S 4:23 a.m... )

The room I sat in was pitch black, the only source of light coming from the cracks in the metal door in front of me. I could hear the loud rumbling of footsteps and voices from above, listening into some of the conversations to pass the time. Long story short, most of them were weird.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Tonight! We have a very special fighter in the ring. She's a nightwing" his words brought gasps and whistled from the men, disgusting "one of the rarest breed of wolves out there! A Nightwing. Tonight she will be up against scar, a raining champion here at claw's" I stood up and took off my hoodie, throwing it to the side.

I wasn't gonna walk out all shy, no that'll show I'm weak. Instead I'm gonna go out there with a serious and confident look on my face, showing them I'm more than just a pretty face. And I can prove that one they see me fight.

"Now..PLEASE WELCOME!" I used my powers to disguise my face, can't risk exposing my true face. People might know me here "Shadow" he whispered in a deep tone.

I roll my eyes as the metal doors creak open and the bright light hits my skin.

I walk out, one foot in front of the other, and glance around, my face not turning away from the metal doors also sliding open in front of me.

Men we're whistling and cat calling, what else would I expect? They were rich men who paid money to see a female wolf fight a male wolf. My eye caught sight of Colby, who was clenching the bars tight as he and everyone else looked at me.

I let out a sigh and look back towards the large wolf that now stood in front of me. He was already growling and flashing his teeth, while I stood my ground and make so much as a sound.

"FIGHTERS AT YOUR READY!" The announcer yelled over the speakers, quickly alerting me to morph and crouch in a pouncing position, scar did the same.


Scar pounced, and as he did that I jumped over him using my wings to lift me up. As I was about to hit the ground I use my back legs to shove scar away from me giving me just enough time to fully turn around before he stood back up and growled at me. I returned that growl.

He tackled me to the ground, to which I used my shapeshifting powers to to shrink to a bird and fly from his grasp. Might as well use my powers to my advantage. Mid flight, I vanish into smoke and turn back to my wolf form, flying circles around scar as he searched around for me. He turned in circles, looking in every direction in a hurry.

I make myself visible once more as I flew behind him and tackled in to the ground, snapping at his neck as he clawed at me. He pushed me off of him and then jumped on me, digging his nails into my skin as his face inched closer to mine, his mouth drooling and his eyes flashing with anger.

Yeah taking it easy huh.

From the corner of my eyes I could see Colby clench onto the bar's harder, Sams hand resting in his shoulder for reassurance and keeping it there Incase he needed to take Colby out of the room.

I wasn't gonna let him jump in if he felt the need to, so I push scar off of me using my telepathy. He shook it off and I stood back up, ignoring the stinging pain of where his nails dug into my skin. Honesty the pain wasn't horrible, it was bearable.

He growled loudly and I replied with a bark, taking him by surprise as to see my bark very loud. Then a thought comes to mind. I usually don't use this power, buuuuut might as well use it now. I use my mind to give the illusion of me getting bigger, taking up half the size of the arena. But.. I made to where only scar could see it.

I walked closer to him, and he scooted back, not understanding what was happening. The giant illusion of myself lifted it's paw and inched it closer to him, making him think it was about to crush him. Of coarse it couldn't do that, so it honestly just looked like scar was scared of nothing.

He crouched down onto the ground preparing for the giant paw to step on him but just as it was about to "touch" him, I made it disappear and placed my real paw onto his head, claw's fully out and digging it into his head.

All he needed to do was tap out and I would release him.

He didn't move, he took the pain and kept his eyes shut.

"Tap out!" I link.

He slammed his paw onto the ground and immediately I released him and morphed back to human, crouching down next to him and making sure his head was okay as it bleed.

Men were cheering as booing at the same time for I had won, but I ignored them.

"Are you okay?" I ask worryingly, to which scar nodded.

"Yeah" he linked "great fight.. I underestimated you"

I didn't respond, I just stood up and walked back to the metal doors. I enter the room and turn back around just in time for the door to shut. But not before I see Colby let out a sigh of relief just as the room went dark again. Thank good this fight went well, if he had came down to try and help.. things would be so much worse. But thank god the only wounds I have are a few puncture wounds and scrapes, nothing I can't handle.

The door the the room creaked open just as I was placing my hoodie back over my lingerie and I looked to see Mr.Adder standing there. He had his arms crossed, his face sour.

"What do you want I already did your stupid fight" I say with attitude.

He sighed "you were suppose to lose" he growled, making me furrow my eyebrows "excuse me?" "You were suppose to lose you stupid bitch! You think men want to see a girl win? NO! They wanna see them lose! And suffer the loss! I lost money tonight because of you, people demanding their money back"

"Not my problem their all sexist dicks!" I snap back.

He struck me across the face, making me stumble back in shock. He had slapped me!? For something as stupid! As people taking money back!? Oh god this is gonna leave a mark.

"Don't talk back to me" he hissed "your next fight is next week, if I see you so much as get close to winning your gonna be in so much more pain then just a snap"

I didn't speak, I just stared.

He left the room, slamming the door shut only for it to slowly swing back open. I stood there speechless, he wants me to.. lose?

I move my hand towards my stinging cheek just as Noah walks into the room, his face turning to confusion upon seeing my face.

"Whoa what happened? You didn't get that from the fight?" He said.

I was silent for a moment "Noah I'm in trouble"

𝚄𝚗𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚜✫/ 𝙲.𝚋(Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now