✫part 24✫

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The next few days after Friday night was spent mostly relaxing and recovering from that night. Me and Colby are good and even though I think he's still a tad bit upset with Sam, he doesn't hate him in any way and doesn't show his feeling if he is feeling mad. Other than that there is no bad blood between anyone in the group.
well, thankfully Sam and Noah have put their differences aside and Sam is finally okay with him. Thank god for that, I thought we'd have to lock those two is a room together to get them to be friends.

My wound is finally not throbbing and in pain, it's fully healed. Thank god for Corey's deep and thorough patching or else it would have made a huge scar seeing as how big it was. Other than that large cut I had no other scratches. And if I did they were only visible on my wolf body.

The air seemed to get hotter by the day and I sorta just realized that the Fourth of July is in only a week. Usually I would have spent it with my family or go to a party but this year Colby insisted he takes me back to Kansas with him and Sam for the holiday. Apparently him and a few other of his old high school peer's are having a little party as well and he think's it's be nice for me to meet them all. Plus it would be nice to get away and let the heat from Friday night cool down.

Sam and Colby even invited everyone else to come with since one, the only people who had no business in Kansas was Corey, Dev, and Liza. Noah and Finn would have been my picks to come with so instead of just breaking up the group we all are just going together. I guess it would be nice, all of us having fun without the stress of our second life butting in.

Well, I guess I have three lives. One being my usual self, two being a Nightwing, and three being a singer. But thankfully I had Mrs.Jones clear my schedule so I'm good for the next two weeks. Thank god.

"Oh my god" I spoke, stating down at the empty blue package in front of me. Someone had eaten my Oreo.'s.

"I swear to fucking-JAKE! Get your fat ass in here!" I yell loud enough I where my voice echo'd throughout the house.

Jake skipped into the kitchen with a smile until his eyes landed on the package. His smile dropped and he looked me dead in the eyes with a pleading look.

"Okay Layla let me explain" He spike slowly, trying to be carful with his words "I was hungry! And I had already eaten mine! A-and yours were right in the pantry next to mine so I kinda just grabbed them and.. ate the last of them"

I glare at him and drop the package to the ground, the few crumbs falling onto the ground.

"Jake I just got done packing all of my things for tomorrow.. I'm meeting Colby's family along with seeing his home town he and Sam grew up in. I have so many more things to be dealing with rather than you eating my Oreos"

He let out a sigh of relief, thinking he's going to survive this without a natural disaster happing in the house.

"Oh hun, your not off the hook" I growl, my eyes flashing red as my body began to morph.

Over the years I've learned that all four guys have one fear in common..

"BEE!" He yelled upon seeing me, quickly running away from me as I chased him away.

"I'm going to sting you! You Oreo sucking bitch!" I mind linked. Obviously I'm not, I don't have that power, but I can still scare him by saying so.

He ran into his room and tried to hide behind Tara, but I easily flew around her.

"Jake what the hell are you doing?" She asked, glancing up to me. My state not phasing her.

"Layla morphed into a bee and in chasing me!" He yelled, running out of the room and down the hall toward Corey and Dev's room.

"Corey Corey Corey please help me Layla's gone berserk!" He yelled , running around the room with me still on his tail.

Corey got caught in the chase and also began to run from me as Devyn began to laugh. "Bro why the hell is a bee chasing us!?" Corey exclaimed.

"It's no bee! It's Layla!" He yelled, dodging me as I came right at him.

"This ass ate my Oreo's!" I linked.

"Well shit why you attacking me for his mistake!" Corey yelled, still running from me. I guess this is a game now. Kinda fun.

The two ran out of the room and went even further down the hall towards me and Colby's room. Ha, Colby's taking a nap. Guess he's waking up to a rather strange surprise.

"Colby get up! your girlfriend is crazy and is trying to kill us!" Jake yelled, jumping on top the bed and trying to wake Colby up.

He fell off the bed and groaned, opening his eyes and glaring at Jake. I flew around his head and he jolted up in fear, trying to swat me away.

"Dude why the hell is there a bee in my room?" He asked, still trying to swat me away.

Well might as well make this game a little more interesting. Using my powers once again I create the illusion of an entire bee swarm entering the room.

The three boys started to freak out even more. Jumping up and down trying to keep the bee's from stinging them. But again, they couldn't.

They ran out of the room, back down the hall, and out the back door towards the lake. I was still chasing them, along with my made up bee swarm. It was absolutely hilarious and I think I was buzzing louder since I was mentally laughing. What's so scary about bee's? They're calm creatures and as long as you don't mess with them they won't mess with you.

Sadly Jake made the mistake of messing with me and well.. if you mess with the Bee your going to get the sting.

I somehow managed to chase them all the way down to the water and just as we got to the shore line they all jumped in. It wasn't too deep so I had absolutely no fear of them drowning.

I made the the swarm go away and turned into a duck, landing peacefully onto the water and paddled around them, quacking happily as they bobbed out of the water.

"Where'd the fuck did the swarm go?!" Colby said, looking around.

"Bro Layla was the swarm! I ate her Oreos and she morphed into a bee and chased me around!" Jake said "she's crazy!"

"No your crazy for even challenging her in the first place! Why did you have to eat her Oreos?! She loves those!" Corey said.

"I'm sorryyyy I was hungryyyyy" he whined.

I jump onto Colby's head, catching him by surprise and morphed back into human. He wobbled around a little at the sudden weight added to his shoulder but caught his balance and looked up to me in surprise.

"Layla why were you a duck?" He asked.

I shrugged "Why did Jake eat my Oreos?" I retort.

By now everyone had made it down her and were watching the five of us talk as they all laughed.

"I said I!- you know what! Who cares I'm sorry I've learned my lesson. But please never chase me as a bee again those things are creepy" he pouted.

I smile "apology accepted. And trust me, a bee is only the smallest creepy thing I can turn into" I grin deviously.

He whined and sunk into the water, making us all laugh a little harder.

The rest of the group jumped in and splashed around, and the next thing we know were having a full on water fight along with the help of a few of our power's.

This is the first time we've all had legitimately fun since I'd been back. And I'm hoping all of us going to Kansas will be just the thing to keep this fun streak going and our friendships alive.

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