✫part 20✫

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Waking up on the day of the fight I realize I have to make up an excuse to leave the house tonight. It can't be something too obvious. Maybe I can get Sam to help cover for me?

"Sammmmm" I yell to the house. Colby was out shopping with Jake and Tara so he wouldn't be home till later.

Sam entered my room "yeah?" He was still a little moody about me fighting and not telling anyone.

"Can you help cover for me tonight?"

He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance "Layla why on earth would ask me to help you with that? You know what I'm gonna say"

I frown "Please? I'm gonna make an excuse but I need to know if anything happens and Colby ask's where I am your gonna cover for me.."

"Layla I don't even want to think about 'if something happen's'.. I know something won't cause your too smart to let someone push you around" He said. I look down. "But..." I look back up "I'll cover for you" he caved.

I smile and stand up to give him a hug, which he gladly accepted. "Thank you so much Sam. I promise you I'll be okay"

He nodded "I know you will.."

A few hours go by and Colby is back home. I'm getting ready to tell him the excuse I concocted and hope he doesn't get suspicious of everything.

"Hey" I take a seat next to him since he was on his phone in the living room. He puts his phone down and smiles

"hi"he said, a smile on his perfect lips.

"So I have this media, overnight, sleepover.. kinda.. thing? And basically me and 3 other musical artists have a sleepover! So I just wanna let you know imma be back tomorrow at 12... okay?" I ask. I mean the excuse isn't totally unbelievable, the internet comes up with a lot of crazy things.

Colby smiled "That's awesome! Do you need a ride?"

I shake my head "No, I'm getting picked up by a bus, but that is for the offer" oh thank GOD he believed that. Sam was also in the room, and listened in on the conversation. Let's just hope he sticks to his promise..

After talking with him for a little bit I decide I should get going. I still need to meet up eirh Noah before the fight and discuss a few things before the fight actually begins.

I grab my bag of quote "sleepover things" and made my way back to the front room where almost everyone was. I already told them all where I was quote going.

After giving a goodbye kiss on Colby's lips I walk over to the front door and look back to sam who gave me a 'good luck/ be safe' look. I return it with a nod and walk outside, where Noah waited in the drive way. We thought why not drive and discuss things in there rather that in the building where the fight's gonna be taking place.

I smile to him as I jump in, and as I set my things in the back seat he spoke "Okay so.. slight change of plans.."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, what's happening now? Note the sarcasm in my voice..

"The fight isn't going to be at the usual warehouse it's at.. today it's going to be in the woods in basically a large hole dug in the ground.."

I roll my eyes "That's the tackiest thing I've ever heard why the hell would it be there?"

He shrugged "Apparently the warehouse wasn't big enough for the crowd that'll be there"

I sigh and Lean back into the seat "Great, more people get to see me pretty much get butchered by a complete psycho"

"Yeah well.. I did promise I'm not gonna let you get too hurt. I think Sam might literally kill me" Noah said, his eyes still focused on the road.

I nod "And I appreciate it.. but are you sure you want to do that? I mean you could get in really big trouble" I frowned, remembering Noah basically worked for Mr.Adder. And if he know's Noah's been betraying him well.. who know's what'll happen?

"Layla I'm not about to let one of my only friends get mauled by a savage. Whether I get in trouble with Mr.Adder or not I'm going to step in and save you if necessary"

I smile "Thanks"

After a few more minutes of driving, we made it to the heart of the forest. It wasn't too populated with tree's so I could see why it was a nice place to have a fight., oh wait.. NO I DONT!?

We get out of the car and walk over to Mr.Adder who was sitting in a tent counting money. Literally looks like something from a movie.

He acknowledged our presence with a small glance, not taking time to remove his eyes from the money. Then an unfamiliar buff man walked in. His eyes a piercing green.

"Layla please meet Juno, or Anpu, as he is named for the fights. He is your competitor" He explained.

I looked Juno in the eyes, not saying hi or anything, I just stared. He looked like a murdered. His tattoo filled arms and buzzed haircut gave off a really bad vibe. I wouldn't be surprised if he has killed one of his competitors.

"Well I didn't know when you said I'd be fighting a girl you meant a little pip squeak like her" he chuckled. Wow, even his VOICE sounds like one of a murder.

I shrug "I know, disappointing isn't it? I mean I thought I was going to be fighting a scary guy? But no.. Just a dick"

He glared "Watch your mouth princess, Don't forget who's claw's will be out in only an hour"

I couldn't help but snicker "Wow, if I didn't find this funny I would be totally scared. Sorry my brains a little bigger and I know better than to blab my sorry mouth to the person who's fates in their paw's"

He tried marching over to me but I used my power's to hold him back. Only making him more angry.

"Children, Save it for the fight! Layla go change and Juno.. go.. I don't know? Lift weights? Just get the hell out of my tent and get ready for y'all's fight" Mr.Adder snapped, throwing me the bag that had the lingerie in it.

I shake my head and toss it back "Not needed" I say as I begin to remove my current clothing, revealing the white lingerie I had on under. They all just stared. I shrug "What? Your's was uncomfy"

Mr.Adder clears his throat awkwardly, his eyes not leaving my body. Creep. He nods "okay then.. off you go" he dismissed us.

Noah took me to another tent where we will just chill until the time comes. I guess all I can do now.. is wait.

𝚄𝚗𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚜✫/ 𝙲.𝚋(Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now