Chapter 8.

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Rey opened the tablet sitting on the table and refreshed her brain over this afternoon's activities. She was going to make him endure an hour long, high intensity workout, then three rounds of sparring. Then lunch, then forty-five minutes of core followed by another three rounds of sparring. Then film review and brain exercises, both to calm him in and out of the ring. Then they should be done by 6:30 and they'd do it all over again tomorrow.

Rey bit into her apple then squirted water into her mouth. She then began to gather some exercise bands, medicine balls, weights and other equipment. Afterwards, she had just started stretching when Ben finally appeared downstairs. To say that her mood brightened a little at the sight of him was an understatement. Rey had fun on their morning run, more than she thought she'd have. Sure at the beginning he'd been an ass but she definitely had been one too.

He, like her was distant towards others. And because they shared that trait, Rey knew exactly how to loosen him up, by acting the way she'd want someone to be when they talked to her. Her goal was to become his friend, to get him to trust her before she'd get him to turn.

"You ready for an hour of hell?" She asked jokingly.

Ben shot her a menacing glare. What the hell was that about? Did he eat something rotten upstairs to make his attitude change?

"Let's just get started." He said gruffly, not meeting her eyes.

"Sure. Give me twenty-five push ups, fifty bicycles and thirty medicine ball squats. Then repeat for ten minutes." Rey ordered with a sour tone in her voice.

Kylo rolled his eyes and stuck his AirPods in his ears, trying to block her out. Rey had no idea what the hell had come over him in the less than five minutes it had been since she left him alone upstairs. So, as much as she wanted to confront him and yell at him for acting like such a asshole, she kept quiet, she'd make him pay for it when they started sparring. He couldn't use his AirPods to block her out of his mind when they would fight. She knew just by looking at him now that he was not focused with the appropriate intensity to fight. He was angry and pissy, he wouldn't stand a chance against her.

Ten minutes past and he was already drenched in sweat. "Now, do the ropes over here for five minutes, as hard as you can." Rey barked, pointing towards the two black weighted ropes tied to the ground.

Kylo said nothing and purposefully hit her shoulder as he walked past her. Rey clenched a fist, fighting every desire inside her driving her to go punch him in the face.

Fine, if you want to be an asshole, I'll be the bigger one. Rey thought, she would not tolerate his bipolar mood swings without him explaining himself.

"You think that's trying hard?! Faster! Faster!" Rey bellowed, yanking his AirPods out of his ears.

"I am!" Kylo shouted, increasing his rhythm with the ropes.

"You're pathetic, is that really the best you can do? Come on, two minutes left!"

Kylo yelled and swung the ropes even faster. "Push it!" Rey commanded.

Kylo moved his arms even faster, his arms were blood red and his face was too. Sweat was spraying off his face like a sprinkler he was working so hard. "One more minute! Dig deep!" She bellowed.

Kylo let out another earth shattering scream of determination and maintained his pace.

"Thirty seconds! Go faster than that!"

Rey was pushing him in more ways than one and she knew he was going to make her pay for it. But she didn't care, not one bit.

"Time's up!" She declared, Kylo dropped the ropes and collapsed on the bench, breathing heavily and chugging his water and squirting it on his sweaty face.

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